授業料減免 Tuition reduction / exemption

授業料減免 Tuition reduction / exemption


  1. 申請資格(主なもの。詳しくは入学後の通知を確認してください。)
  2. 減免額
  3. 申請方法等
    ・毎年4月頃(後期入学者は10月頃)に学生ポータルサイト(OMU UNIPA)で案内しますので、入学後に確認してください。


The Osaka Metropolitan University offers the following tuition reduction/exemption to privately funded international students who are known to be studious but have difficulty in paying their tuition due to financial constraints.

  1. Eligibility (general; please see post-admission notice for details)
    ・Resident status is “Student”
    ・Has not exceeded the length of their study program
    ・Research students and non-degree students are excluded
  2. Tuition reduction / exemption amount
    ・Full, two-thirds, or one-third of tuition.
    ・The tuition reduction/exemption amount will be determined by reviewing the student’s socioeconomic status and grades.
    ・Upon review, tuition reduction/exemption may not be offered.
  3. Application procedure, etc.
    ・Information will be posted on the student portal site (OMU UNIPA) around April each year (or October for second-semester admittees). Please check after admission.

お問い合わせ Inquiries

学生課 Student Affairs Division

 中百舌鳥キャンパス Nakamozu Campus
  TEL: 072-254-6243
 杉本キャンパス Sugimoto Campus   
  TEL: 06-6605-3608

  Email(共通): gr-gks-intlstu[at]omu.ac.jp [at]の部分を@に変更してください。
  Common Email for both campuses:  gr-gks-intlstu[at] omu.ac.jp please replace [at] with @.