Latest Publications

Oct 1, 2023

【New publication】 [Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan] Additive manufacturing using highly concentrated nanocolloids of metal hydroxide salts towards structured metals and metal oxides

The results of joint research by our research group and Hiroshima University have been published in the scientific journal [Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan]. By synthesizing ceramic nanoparticles with diameters of 2~3 nm whose surfaces are modified with polymerizable functional groups, we have made it possible to form transparent 3D structures composed mainly of ceramics using a general-purpose optical fabrication type 3D printer! It is open access and free to read.

Additive manufacturing using highly concentrated nanocolloids of metal hydroxide salts towards structured metals and metal oxides
Open Access  J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., 131, 830–836 (2023)

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