

We are researching motor learning support robots and systems designed to facilitate the acquisition of motor skills by understanding the mechanisms of human motor learning.






 Recently, motor assist robots, represented by power assist robots, have attracted attention. The advantage is that assist robots can be used to supplement the strength that a person lacks or to save labor so that the person does not have to exert any force in the first place.

 However, in the case of elderly people, it is preferable for them to exert some effort rather than relying entirely on assistance. Similarly, in the case of people who need rehabilitation due to neurological disorders or fractures, there is a need to maintain a good balance between assisting and working hard by themselves. I think it would be good for them to experience movements in which the physical load on their body is appropriately reduced and to learn how to reproduce such movements by themselves. What will be needed is the motor learning support robots and systems, which is our research.











・高井 飛鳥裴 凱強新谷 篤彦川合 忠雄, ”Modelica モデルを用いた起立支援装置の移動機構部の設計”, 日本機械学会 2022年度 年次大会,  https://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemecj.2022.J162-08

・高井飛鳥、音森直人、小澤海斗、鈴木雄太, "起立支援装置の支援軌道と支援速度の評価", 日本機械学会 関西支部 第99期定時総会・講演会

・Naoto Oromori, Asuka Takai, ”Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Estimation of Chair Reaction Force during Sit-to-Stand Movements”, 2023 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Yeosu, Korea, Republic of, 2023, pp. 472-477, doi: 10.23919/ICCAS59377.2023.10317053.

Research Topic 1:

 One of our challenges is that haptic interactions, where robots and humans influence each other in the dimension of force, are complex and difficult to quantify, and it is not clear what kind of characteristics haptic interactions have.

 For example, the standing-up support robot we are currently developing helps people stand up by pushing their buttocks via the seat. To adjust this pushing force to suit the individual, an algorithm that determines the correlation, such as using a certain amount of support at a certain time, is necessary. However, since forces are exchanged from both the feet and buttocks, it is difficult to decide the amount.

 The interaction of forces changes depending on the sitting position, the tilt of the upper body, and the speed at which one stands up. Therefore, we are currently working on algorithm development using two approaches: machine learning and a physical model.

 In this way, while estimating the interaction of forces, we are also trying to estimate changes in people's reactions and movements. Naturally, the movement of standing up from a chair on one's own and the movement of standing up while being pushed by the seat are different. Also, how one stands up will be different the first time it is pushed than the second time. We need to clarify whether this change in how people stand up differs from person to person or whether there are any trends. In addition, it is better to be able to predict how the next time one will stand up if one gets used to being pushed and then suddenly stops being pushed.

 By accumulating this knowledge, we will be able to get an idea of what kind of pushing should be used for elderly people and what kind of pushing should be used for patients to recover what kind of physical function by when, as they can set a goal.








・松宮 光照, 高井 飛鳥, ”仮想空間上に存在するアバターが⾏う動作の観察による運動学習の提案”, 第4回日本再生医療とリハビリテーション学会学術大会, https://system.mech.kyushu-u.ac.jp/jsrmr2022/presen.html

・松宮 光照, 高井 飛鳥, ”バーチャルリアリティを⽤いた遅延視覚が的あてゲームの成績に与える影響に関する研究”, 日本機械学会 シンポジウム:スポーツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス2023(SHD2023)

Research topic 2:

 What kind of information should be conveyed to the person is important in order to improve the movement.

 What we are developing now is a support system using virtual reality.

 The merit of virtual reality is that you can have an avatar conducting a movement and arbitrarily observe it from the first-person or the third-person perspective.

 We aim for a system that can provide visual information to teach people how to move in a better way for those who can learn more efficiently through visuals.







・片岡 悠, 高井 飛鳥, ”力覚提示インターフェースによる運動教示時の脳波と運動学習効果の関係に関する研究”, 第20回日本神経理学療法学会学術大会,  http://jsnpt20.umin.jp/images/jsnpt20_program-2.pdf

・片岡 悠, 高井 飛鳥, ”知覚能力を考慮した力覚インターフェースによる運動教示学習時の脳波と学習効果の関係に関する研究", 第10回日本BMI研究会

Research topic 3:

 Another thing we are working on is a support system using brain activity.

 By capturing brain activity and controlling the robot accordingly, we aim to efficiently improve motor functions.







 I want to implement unique functions that can only be realized by robotics and systems with the aim of developing our robots and systems that can support doctors and therapists can providing advanced professional skills to the elderly and patients, promoting better motor learning and re-learning.
 I want to realize a contrivance that allows us to capture and improve our motor function at any time, which is being implemented in society everywhere. It is a kind of system where you can measure and grasp changes in your motor function, receive diagnoses, and even receive recommendations on what kind of training you should do. It should be used at home and might look like and be as convenient as a smartphone.
 I aspire to realize the practical application of the motor learning support robots and systems tailored to each individual so that they can maintain a high level of motor function at any time, regardless of age or disability.
 I am imagining a world where everyone can lead their lives without inconvenience.