

  • 発表論文

【発表論文】鳥居 駿さん(M修了生)環境情報科学英文ジャーナルに論文掲載


Shun TORII and Minako NABESHIMA: Estimation of Waste Biomass Resources and Energy Generation Associated with Operating Regionally Distributed Biogas Plants for the Selection of Suitable Areas, Journal of Environmental Information Science, Volume 2023 Issue 1, pp. 24-33, 2023


The reuse rate of general biomass waste in Japan requires further improvement. This study estimated the biomass resources in each local district for garbage and paper waste from households and businesses. Assuming the conversion of biomass resources to biogas, electricity and heat generated by biogas cogeneration system (CGS) were estimated. Suitable facilities for biogas plants were identified, and the potential for power generation and heat utilization from the distributed CGS within the waste collection area was analyzed using a geographic information system. As a result, areas suitable for the introduction of biogas CGS plants were classified according to priority from the perspective of heat demand and biogas production. It was found that CO2 emissions decreased by approximately 580,000 t-CO2 and 330,000 t-CO2 per year in Osaka Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture, respectively, when all the CGS power and recovered heat were utilized.

