Acknowledgment Guidelines

Acknowledgment Guidelines 

Any research output resulting from the MEXT Promotion of Distinctive Joint Usage/Research Center Support Program, in part or whole, must include an acknowledgment statement. The PI is responsible for ensuring that all Co-PIs and associate investigators also follow these instructions.

The following list shows the elements to be included for acknowledgment. Please make sure to indicate the required items in the statement.

  • Name of the funding program <<Required>>
    MEXT Promotion of Distinctive Joint Usage/Research Center Support Program
  • Grant Number <<Required>>
  • Project Name <<Optional>>
    Collaborative Research Project of All-Solid-State Batteries in Osaka Metropolitan University
[Example: Acknowledgment Statement in a Manuscript]

This work was supported by MEXT Promotion of Distinctive Joint Usage/Research Center Support Program Grant Number JPMXP0723833161.