
国際会議・招待講演/International Conference (Invited)
  1. Yutaka Amao
    “Visible light-driven building carbon-carbon bond from CO2 as a feedstock with hybrid redox system of organic dye and biocatalyst (invited lecture)”
    2018 International Symposium on Advancement and Prospect of Catalysis Science & Technology, 25-27, July ,2018, Sydney, Australia
  2. Yutaka Amao
    "Selective Hydrogen Production from Formate with Homogeneously Polymer-dispersed Platinum Nanoparticle"
    3rd International Conference on Emerging Advanced Nanomaterials – ICEAN-2018, 2018.10.30 - 11.2, Newcastle, Australia
  3. Yutaka Amao
    "Visible-Light Driven C-H bond Activation and Carboxylation with CO2 Using Biocatalyst/Photocatalytic Dye Hybrid System"
    10th Asian Photochemistry Conference, 2018.12.16-20, Taipei, Taiwan
国際会議・一般講演/International Conference (Contributed)
  1. Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, and Shusaku Ikeyama
    “Visible-light driven building C-C bonds from CO2 as a feedstock with photosensitizer-biocatalyst hybrid system”
    ECO-BIO 2018, 2018.3.4-7, Dublin, Ireland
  2. Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Visible light-driven carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 as a feedstock with the system containing malic enzyme and dye”
    The 9th OCARINA International Symposium Joint mini-symposiums on Structural Biology and Catalysis, 2018.3.6-7, Osaka, Japan.
  3. Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Selective formate reduction catalyzed with aldehyde dehydrogenase using artificial co-enzyme based on reduced form of methylviologen”
    The 9th OCARINA International Symposium Joint mini-symposiums on Structural Biology and Catalysis, 2018.3.6-7, Osaka, Japan.
  4. Yutaka Amao, Atsuro Kai
    “Selective hydrogen production from formate at room temperature using nanoparticle with homogeneously dispersed platinum nanoparticle”
    European Hydrogen Energy Conference 2018 (EHEC2018), 2018.3.14-16, Malaga, Spain.
  5. Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama
    “Visible-light driven building C-C bonds from CO2 with photosensitizer-biocatalyst system”
    3rd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference, May 13-16, 2018, Berlin, Germany
  6. Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Studies on the interaction between artificial co-enzyme based on diphenylviologen derivative and malic enzyme for CO2 utilization”
    The 22nd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference (GC&E), 2018.6.18-20, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  7. Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Kinetic studies of the interaction between malic enzyme and diphenylviologen derivative for CO2 utilization”
    The 18th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC18), 2018.7.22-25, Sydney, Australia.
  8. Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Selective formic acid reduction to formaldehyde with aldehyde dehydrogenase and reduced form of methylviologen as an artificial co-enzyme”
    The 18th International Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC18), 2018.7.22-25, Sydney, Australia.
  9. Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Double-electron reduced diphenylviologen derivative as a novel co-enzyme for biocatalyst with the function of carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2”
    2018 International Symposium on Advancement and Prospect of Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018.7.25-27, Sydney, Australia.
  10. Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Catalytic function of aldehyde dehydrogenase for formic acid reduction by one‐electron reduced methylviologen as an artificial co-enzyme”
    2018 International Symposium on Advancement and Prospect of Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018.7.25-27, Sydney, Australia.
  11. Yutaka Amao, Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama
    “Visible light-driven building C-C bonds from CO2 as a feedstock with photosensitizer-biocatalyst hybrid system ”
    The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8), 2018.7.5-10, Yokohama, Japan.
  12. Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Kinetic studies of the interaction between diphenylviologen derivative as a novel co-enzyme and malic enzyme for building carbon-carbon bond from CO2”
    The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8), 2018.7.5-10, Yokohama, Japan.
  13. Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Selective formate reduction to formaldehyde with formaldehyde dehydrogenase and single‐electron reduced methylviologen”
    The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT8), 2018.7.5-10, Yokohama, Japan.
  14. Yutaka Amao
    “Visible-Light Driven Carboxylation with CO2 in the Hybrid System of Biocatalyst and Photocatalytic Dye”
    The 8th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry (ICGC-8), 2018.9.9-14, Bangkok, Thailand.
  15. Tomoya Ishibashi, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Enzyme Kinetic Analysis in Formate Reduction to Formaldehyde Using Aldehyde Dehydrogenase by One-Election Reduced Methylviologen”
    The 8th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry (ICGC-8), 2018.9.9-14, Bangkok, Thailand.
  16. Takayuki Ktagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    “Interaction between diphenylviologen derivative and malic enzyme for carbon-carbon bond formation from CO2 as a feedstock”
    The 8th International IUPAC Conference on Green Chemistry (ICGC-8), 2018.9.9-14, Bangkok, Thailand.
  17. Takayuki Katagiri, Shusaku Ikeyama, Yutaka Amao
    "Visble-Light Driven Carboxylation with CO2 with The System of Biocatalyst And Photocatalytic Dye"
    7th Asia-Oceania Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2018.11.19-21, Singapore
国内会議・招待講演/Domestic Conference (Invited)
  1. 天尾 豊
    文部科学省特別経費 高知大学研究プロジェクト「海洋性藻類を中心とした地域バイオマスリファイナリーの実現に向けた新技術の創出」 第6回講演会2018年3月2日 高知大学朝倉キャンパス
  2. 天尾 豊
    平成29年度第2回ナノ材料応用技術セミナー 「光合成と人工光合成について」
    平成30年3月27日 京都府産業支援センター
  3. 天尾 豊
    第70回日本生物工学会大会 2018年9月5-7日 関西大学千里山キャンパス
  4. 天尾 豊
    化学工学会第50回秋季大会 2018年9月18−20日 鹿児島大学
国内会議・一般講演/Domestic Conference (Contributed)
  1. 石橋 知也、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    日本化学会 第98春季年会 2018年3月20-23日 日本大学理工学部船橋キャンパス
  2. 片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    日本化学会 第98春季年会 2018年3月20-23日 日本大学理工学部船橋キャンパス
  3. 片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    “Evaluation of catalytic activity of malic enzyme for CO2 fixation by two-electron reduced form of diphenylviologen”
    触媒学会西日本支部第 9 回触媒科学研究発表会 2018年6月8日 名古屋大学
  4. 石橋 知也、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    “Catalytic formate reduction using formaldehyde dehydrogenase by reduced form of methylviologen”
    触媒学会西日本支部第 9回触媒科学研究発表会 2018年6月8日 名古屋大学
  5. 片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    第122回触媒討論会 2018年9月26日-28日 北海道教育大学函館校
  6. 石橋 知也、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    第122回触媒討論会 2018年9月26日-28日 北海道教育大学函館校
  7. 片桐 毅之、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    第48回石油・石油化学討 (創立60周年記念東京大会) 2018年10月17-18日 タワーホール船堀
  8. 石橋 知也、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    第48回石油・石油化学討 (創立60周年記念東京大会) 2018年10月17-18日 タワーホール船堀
  9. 南 祐輔、池山 秀作、天尾 豊
    "ポリビニルピロリドンで分散した白金微粒子によるギ酸分解に基づく水素生成反応に関する研究 "
    第38回水素エネルギー協会大会 (HESS大会) 2018年11月28-29日 タワーホール船堀