冷却原子 論文読み


  • 1/28(SU)
    Rydberg原子を用いた朝永・Luttinger液体の検証論文 資料
    "Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behavior in a Rydberg-encoded spin chain" (Browaeys group)
  • 12/17(KO)
    Bose-Fermi混合系でHalo Trimerを観測した実験資料
    "Observation of a Halo Trimer in an Ultracold Bose-Fermi Mixture" (Zwierlein group)
  • 11/26(TF)資料
    "Quantum Gas Microscopy of Fermions in the Continuum" (Yefsah group)
    "In situ imaging of the thermal de Broglie wavelength in an ultracold Bose gas" (Ketterle group)
    "Measuring pair correlations in Bose and Fermi gases via atom-resolved microscopy" (Zwierlein group)
  • 10/24(RY)資料
    Gevorg Martirosyan, Martin Gazo, Jiří Etrych, Simon M. Fischer, Sebastian J. Morris, Christopher J. Ho, Christoph Eigen, Zoran Hadzibabic
    "A universal speed limit for spreading of quantum coherence"
  • 10/1(KK)資料
    Botao Wang, Monika Aidelsburger, Jean Dalibard, André Eckardt, and Nathan Goldman
    "Cold-Atom Elevator: From Edge-State Injection to the Preparation of Fractional Chern Insulators"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 163402 (2024)

  • 8/23(MH)資料
    Gabrielle Roberts, Andrei Vrajitoarea, Brendan Saxberg, Margaret G. Panetta, Jonathan Simon, David I. Schuster
    "Manybody interferometry of quantum fluids"
    Science Advances 10, (2024)
  • 7/23(SI)資料
    G. Chauveau, C. Maury, F. Rabec, C. Heintze, G. Brochier, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, J. Beugnon, S. M. Roccuzzo, and S. Stringari
    "Superfluid Fraction in an Interacting Spatially Modulated Bose-Einstein Condensate"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 226003 (2023)
    1次元光格子を用いてBECのsuperfluid fractionを計測した論文
  • 6/28(SE)資料
    Lu Wang, Xiangchuan Yan, Jing Min, Dali Sun, Xin Xie, Shi-Guo Peng, Mingsheng Zhan, and Kaijun Jiang
    "Scale Invariance of a Spherical Unitary Fermi Gas"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 243403 (2024)
    ユニタリーフェルミ気体 in球対称trapのスケール普遍性を観測した論文
  • 6/6(SU)資料
    Philipp Fabritius, Jeffrey Mohan, Mohsen Talebi, Simon Wili, Wilhelm Zwerger, Meng-Zi Huang & Tilman Esslinger
    "Irreversible entropy transport enhanced by fermionic superfluidity"
    Nat. Phys. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-024-02483-3
  • 5/16(TF)資料
    Sooshin Kim, Alexander Lukin, Matthew Rispoli, M. Eric Tai, Adam M. Kaufman, Perrin Segura, Yanfei Li, Joyce Kwan, Julian Léonard, Brice Bakkali-Hassani, Markus Greiner
    "Adiabatic State Preparation in a Quantum Ising Spin Chain"
    Markus Greinerのグループの量子イジングスピン鎖の実験論文
  • 3/14(KK)資料
    Zhenjie Yan, Jacquelyn Ho, Yue-Hui Lu, Stuart J. Masson, Ana Asenjo-Garcia, and Dan M. Stamper-Kurn
    "Superradiant and Subradiant Cavity Scattering by Atom Arrays"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 253603 (2023)
    Tweezer arraysとcavity QED系を組み合わせた実験論文
  • 2/22(MH)
    M. O. Brown, S. R. Muleady, W. J. Dworschack, R. J. Lewis-Swan, A. M. Rey, O. Romero-Isart & C. A. Regal
    "Time-of-flight quantum tomography of an atom in an optical tweezer"
    Nat. Phys. 19, 569–573 (2023)
  • 1/24(HT)資料
    Niccolò Bigagli, Weijun Yuan, Siwei Zhang, Boris Bulatovic, Tijs Karman, Ian Stevenson, Sebastian Will


  • 12/14(SI)資料
  • 11/16(SE)資料
    "Higgs oscillations in a unitary Fermi superfluid"
    P. Dyke, S. Musolino, H. Kurkjian, D. J. M. Ahmed-Braun, A. Pennings, I. Herrera, S. Hoinka, S. J. J. M. F. Kokkelmans, V. E. Colussi, C. J. Vale
  • 11/2(TF)資料
    "Observation and quantification of pseudogap in unitary Fermi gases"
    Xi Li, Shuai Wang, Xiang Luo, Yu-Yang Zhou, Ke Xie, Hong-Chi Shen, Yu-Zhao Nie, Qijin Chen, Hui Hu, Yu-Ao Chen, Xing-Can Yao, Jian-Wei Pan
  • 10/12(RY)資料
    "Observation of Nagaoka Polarons in a Fermi-Hubbard Quantum Simulator"
    Martin Lebrat, Muqing Xu, Lev Haldar Kendrick, Anant Kale, Youqi Gang, Pranav Seetharaman, Ivan Morera, Ehsan Khatami, Eugene Demler, Markus Greiner
    "Directly imaging spin polarons in a kinetically frustrated Hubbard system"
    Max L. Prichard, Benjamin M. Spar, Ivan Morera, Eugene Demler, Zoe Z. Yan, Waseem S. Bakr
  • 9/28(KK)資料
    "Machine Learning the Phase Diagram of a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas"
    M. Link, K. Gao, A. Kell, M. Breyer, D. Eberz, B. Rauf, and M. Köhl
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 203401 (2023).
  • 9/1(SI)資料
    "Atomic physics on a 50 nm scale: Realization of a bilayer system of dipolar atoms"
    Li Du, Pierre Barral, Michael Cantara, Julius de Hond, Yu-Kun Lu, Wolfgang Ketterle
  • 7/14(SU)
  • 6/8(YG)資料
    "Mediated interactions between Fermi polarons and the role of impurity quantum statistics"
    Cosetta Baroni, Bo Huang, Isabella Fritsche, Erich Dobler, Gregor Anich, Emil Kirilov, Rudolf Grimm, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Pietro Massignan, Georg Bruun
  • 5/18(HT)資料
    "Dissipationless flow in a Bose-Fermi mixture"
    Zoe Z. Yan, Yiqi Ni, Alexander Chuang, Pavel E. Dolgirev, Kushal Seetharam, Eugene Demler, Carsten Robens, Martin Zwierlein
  • 4/21(SE)資料
    "Collisionally Stable Gas of Bosonic Dipolar Ground State Molecules"
    Niccolò Bigagli, Claire Warner, Weijun Yuan, Siwei Zhang, Ian Stevenson, Tijs Karman, Sebastian Will
    "Can the dipolar interaction suppress dipolar relaxation?"
    Pierre Barral, Michael Cantara, Li Du, William Lunden, Julius de Hond, Alan O. Jamison, Wolfgang Ketterle
    Dipole型の相互作用するBoson系(Dy原子、Poler Molecule)におけるLoss Rateの抑制を観測した実験
  • 3/31(SU)資料
    "Thermography of the superfluid transition in a strongly interacting Fermi gas"
    Zhenjie Yan, Parth B. Patel, Biswaroop Mukherjee, Chris J. Vale, Richard J. Fletcher, Martin Zwierlein
  • 2/24(TF)資料
    "Observation of Nematic Orbital Superfluidity in a Triangular Optical Lattice"
    Xiao-Qiong Wang, Guang-Quan Luo, Jin-Yu Liu, Guan-Hua Huang, Zi-Xiang Li, Congjun Wu, Andreas Hemmerich, Zhi-Fang Xu
  • 1/27(YR)資料
    "Doping a frustrated Fermi-Hubbard magnet"
    Muqing Xu, Lev Haldar Kendrick, Anant Kale, Youqi Gang, Geoffrey Ji, Richard T. Scalettar, Martin Lebrat, Markus Greiner


  • 12/22(KK)資料
    "Observation of Interaction-Induced Mobility Edge in an Atomic Aubry-André Wire"
    Yunfei Wang, Jia-Hui Zhang, Yuqing Li, Jizhou Wu, Wenliang Liu, Feng Mei, Ying Hu, Liantuan Xiao, Jie Ma, Cheng Chin, and Suotang Jia
    [Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 103401, (2022)](https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.103401)
  • 12/1(MH)
    "Bell correlations between spatially separated pairs of atoms"
    D. K. Shin, B. M. Henson, S. S. Hodgman, T. Wasak, J. Chwedeńczuk & A. G. Truscott
    [Nat Commun 10, 4447 (2019)](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12192-8)
  • 11/17(SI)資料
    "Precision test of statistical dynamics with state-to-state ultracold chemistry"
    Yu Liu, Ming-Guang Hu, Matthew A Nichols, Dongzheng Yang, Daiqian Xie, Hua Guo, Kang-Kuen Ni
    [Nature 593 379-384 (2021)](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03459-6)
  • 10/12(SE)(資料)
    "Making statistics work: a quantum engine in the BEC-BCS crossover"
    Jennifer Koch, Keerthy Menon, Eloisa Cuestas, Sian Barbosa, Eric Lutz, Thomás Fogarty, Thomas Busch, Artur Widera
    "A quantum heat engine driven by atomic collisions"
    Q. Bouton, J. Nettersheim, S. Burgardt, D. Adam, E. Lutz, A. Widera
    Nature Communications 12, 2063 (2021)
  • 9/2(TF)(資料)
    "Direct observation of non-local fermion pairing in an attractive Fermi-Hubbard gas"
    Thomas Hartke, Botond Oreg, Carter Turnbaugh, Ningyuan Jia, Martin Zwierlein
    arXiv: 2208.05948 (引力フェルミハバードでnon-localなフェルミペアを観測した論文)
  • 8/19(MH)
    "On the Stability of the Repulsive Fermi Gas with Contact Interactions"
    Yunpeng Ji, Grant L. Schumacher, Gabriel G. T. Assumpção, Jianyi Chen, Jere Mäkinen, Franklin J. Vivanco, Nir Navon arXiv:2204.03644
  • 7/29(KK)
    "Floquet Solitons and Dynamics of Periodically Driven Matter Waves with Negative Effective Mass"
    Matthew Mitchell, Andrea Di Carli, Germán Sinuco-León, Arthur La Rooij, Stefan Kuhr, and Elmar Haller
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 243603 (2021) (フロッケ・ソリトンを作成した実験)
  • 7/8(HT)(資料)
    "Observation of a correlated free four-neutron system"
    Duer, M., Aumann, T., Gernhäuser, R. et al.
    Nature 606, 678–682 (2022) (テトラニュートロンの最近の実験論文)
    "The quest for light multineutron systems" Marqués, F.M., Carbonell, J. Eur. Phys. J. A 57, 105 (2021) (参考になるレビュー論文)
  • 6/10(SI) DAMOP報告
  • 5/13(RY)(資料)
    "Transverse Spin Dynamics in the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model Realized with Ultracold Atoms" Paul Niklas Jepsen, Wen Wei Ho, Jesse Amato-Grill, Ivana Dimitrova, Eugene Demler, and Wolfgang Ketterle Phys. Rev. X 11, 041054 (2021) "Catching Bethe phantoms and quantum many-body scars: Long-lived spin-helix states in Heisenberg magnets" Paul Niklas Jepsen, Yoo Kyung Lee, Hanzhen Lin, Ivana Dimitrova, Yair Margalit, Wen Wei Ho, Wolfgang Ketterle arXiv:2110.12043 (MITのスピンらせん構造のDephasingについての論文)
  • 4/22(SU)(資料)
    "Topological features without a lattice in Rashba spin-orbit coupled atoms" A. Valdés-Curiel, D. Trypogeorgos, Q.-Y. Liang, R. P. Anderson & I. B. Spielman, Nature Comm. 12, 593 (2021) (SpielmanグループのRashba spin-orbit couplingの論文)
  • 4/6(SE)(資料)
    "Experimental Realization of One Dimensional Helium" Adrian Del Maestro, Nathan S. Nichols, Timothy R. Prisk, Garfield Warren, Paul E. Sokol arXiv:2203.11984(液体ヘリウム4Heの1次元系を実現した論文)
  • 3/25(TF)(資料)
    "Spin-charge separation in a 1D Fermi gas with tunable interactions" Ruwan Senaratne et al., arXiv:2111.11545(Huletのグループのスピン・電荷分離を観測した論文)
  • 2/18(KK)(資料)
    "Crystallization of bosonic quantum Hall states in a rotating quantum gas" Biswaroop Mukherjee et al., Nature 601, 58-62 (2022)(強い人工ゲージ場中で、相互作用するBECが自発的に結晶化する様子を観測した実験)
    "Geometric squeezing into the lowest Landau level" Fletcher et al., Science 372, 1318–1322 (2021)(トラップ周波数と同程度の速度でBECを回転させることで人工ゲージ場を発生させ、ランダウ準位の最低レベルにBECを導入することに成功した実験)
  • 1/14(MH)
    "In Situ Thermometry of Fermionic Cold-Atom Quantum Wires" Clément De Daniloff, Marin Tharrault, Cédric Enesa, Christophe Salomon, Frédéric Chevy, Thomas Reimann, and Julian Struck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 113602 (2021)
    (1次元フェルミ気体を個別にin situでイメージングした実験)


  • 12/10(SI)(資料)
    Bertrand Evrard, An Qu, Jean Dalibard*, Fabrice Gerbier, Science 373, 1340–1343 (2021)
    (NaのF=1のスピン自由度のあるBECを用い、fragmented BECの多体の波動関数を決定した実験)
  • 11/19(HT)(資料)
    "Transition from a polaronic condensate to a degenerate Fermi gas of heteronuclear molecules" Marcel Duda, Xing-Yan Chen, Andreas Schindewolf, Roman Bause, Jonas von Milczewski, Richard Schmidt, Immanuel Bloch, Xin-Yu Luo, arXiv:2111.04301
  • 10/29(SU)
  • 10/15(RY)(資料)
    "Quantum gas magnifier for sub-lattice-resolved imaging of three-dimensional quantum systems" Luca Asteria, Henrik P. Zahn, Marcel N. Kosch, Klaus Sengstock, Christof Weitenberg, arXiv:2104.10089
    "Formation of spontaneous density-wave patterns in DC driven lattices" H. P. Zahn, V. P. Singh, M. N. Kosch, L. Asteria, L. Freystatzky, K. Sengstock, L. Mathey, C. Weitenberg, arXiv:2108.11917
  • 9/24(TF)(資料)
    "Floquet Hamiltonian Engineering of an Isolated Many-Body Spin System" Sebastian Geier, Nithiwadee Thaicharoen, Clément Hainaut, Titus Franz, Andre Salzinger, A. Tebben, D. Grimshandl, G. Zürn, M. Weidemüller, arXiv:2105.01597
  • "Microwave-engineering of programmable XXZ Hamiltonians in arrays of Rydberg atoms" P. Scholl, H. J. Williams, G. Bornet, F. Wallner, D. Barredo, T. Lahaye, A. Browaeys, L. Henriet, A. Signoles, C. Hainaut, T. Franz, S. Geier, A. Tebben, A. Salzinger, G. Zürn, M. Weidemüller, arXiv:2107.14459 (同上)
  • 8/27(SE)(資料)
    • "Comparing fermionic superfluids in two and three dimensions" Lennart Sobirey, Hauke Biss, Niclas Luick, Markus Bohlen, Henning Moritz, Thomas Lompe, arXiv:2106.11893
    • "Faraday Waves in strongly interacting superfluids" D. Hernández-Rajkov, J. E. Padilla-Castillo, A. del Río-Lima, A. Gutiérrez-Valdés, F. J. Poveda-Cuevas, J. A. Seman, arXiv:2106.13872
  • 7/30(KK)
    • "Observation of Scale Invariance in Two-Dimensional Matter-Wave Townes Solitons" Cheng-An Chen and Chen-Lung Hung, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 023604 (2021)
      (Townes Solitonと呼ばれる2次元のスケール不変なソリトンを観測した実験)
    • "Realization of a Townes Soliton in a Two-Component Planar Bose Gas" B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, Y.-Q. Zou, E. Le Cerf, R. Saint-Jalm, P.C.M. Castilho, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 023603 (2021)(同上)
  • 7/9(MH)
    • "Efimov energy level rebounding off the atom-dimer continuum" Yaakov Yudkin, Roy Elbaz, Lev Khaykovich, arXiv:2004.02723
  • 6/11(SI)
    • DAMOP2021報告
  • 5/14(HT)
    • "Spin Susceptibility above the Superfluid Onset in Ultracold Fermi Gases" Yun Long, Feng Xiong, and Colin V. Parker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 153402 (2021)
  • 4/30(YS)(資料)
    • "Tunneling Transport of Unitary Fermions across the Superfluid Transition" G. Del Pace, W. J. Kwon, M. Zaccanti, G. Roati, and F. Scazza, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 055301 (2021)
  • 4/16(RY)(資料)
    • "Spin transport in a tunable Heisenberg model realized with ultracold atoms" Jepsen, P.N., Amato-Grill, J., Dimitrova, I. et al., Nature 588, 403-407 (2020)
      (1次元のS=1/2 XXZ Heisenberg modelの量子シミュレーションを行なった、という実験)
  • 4/2(TF)(資料)
    • "Quantum Register of Fermion Pairs" Thomas Hartke, Botond Oreg, Ningyuan Jia, Martin Zwierlein, arxiv:2103.13992
  • 3/9 (SE) 資料
    • "Observation of Pauli blocking in light scattering from quantum degenerate fermions" Amita B. Deb, Niels Kjærgaard, arxiv:2103.02319
    • "Pauli blocking of atomic spontaneous decay" Christian Sanner, Lindsay Sonderhouse, Ross B. Hutson, Lingfeng Yan, William R. Milner, Jun Ye arxiv:2103.02216
  • 2/12 (KK)(資料)
    • "Observation of Efimov Universality across a Nonuniversal Feshbach Resonance in 39K" X. Xie, M.J.V.de Graaff, R. Chapurin, M.D. Frye, J.M. Hutson, J.P.D’Incao, P.S. Julienne, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 243401 (2020)
    • "Precision Test of the Limits to Universality in Few-Body Physics" R. Chapurin, X. Xie, M.J.V. de Graaff, J.S. Popowski, J.P. D’Incao, P.S. Julienne, J. Ye, and E.A. Cornell Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 233402 (2019)
  • 1/28 (MH) (資料)
    • "Observing the emergence of a quantum phase transition shell by shell" L. Bayha, M. Holten, R. Klemt, K. Subramanian, J. Bjerlin, S.M. Reimann, G.M. Bruun, P.M. Preiss & S. Jochim, Nature 587, 583–587(2020)(2次元トラップ中でフェルミ粒子を1個ずつ入れて閉核を作り、そのモノポール励起周波数からBCSペアリングの前駆状態を探る実験)
    • "Few-Body Precursor of the Higgs Mode in a Fermi Gas" J. Bjerlin, S.M. Reimann, and G.M. Bruun, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 155302 (2016)
  • 1/15 (SI)(資料)
    • "Signatures of self-organized criticality in an ultracold atomic gas" S. Helmrich, A. Arias, G. Lochead, T. M. Wintermantel, M. Buchhold, S. Diehl & S. Whitlock, Nature 577, 481–486 (2020)


  • 12/17 (HT)(資料)
    • "Consistent Theory of Self-Bound Quantum Droplets with Bosonic Pairing" Hui Hu and Xia-Ji Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 195302 (2020)
  • 12/4 (TF)(資料)
    • "An endoreversible quantum heat engine driven by atomic collisions" Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Daniel Adam, Eric Lutz, Artur Widera, arxiv:2009.10946
  • 11/13 (KK)(資料)
    • "Atomic Bose-Einstein condensate to molecular Bose-Einstein condensate transition" Zhendong Zhang, Liangchao Chen, Kaixuan Yao, Cheng Chin, arxiv:2006.15297
      (2D Box potential中で原子BECから分子BECを作った実験)
  • 10/30 (MH)(資料)
    • "Interaction-assisted reversal of thermopower with ultracold atoms" S. Häusler, P. Fabritius, J. Mohan, M. Lebrat, L. Corman, T. Esslinger, arxiv:2010.00011
    • "Peltier cooling of fermionic quantum gases" Ch. Grenier, A. Georges, and C. Kollath, PRL 113, 200601 (2014)
  • 10/16 (SI)(資料)
    • "Tan's two-body contact across the superfluid transition of a planar Bose gas", Y.-Q. Zou, B. Bakkali-Hassani, C. Maury, É. Le Cerf, S. Nascimbene, J. Dalibard, and J. Beugnon, arXiv:2007.12385
      (2次元ボース気体のBKT転移周辺に於いて、Ramsey分光によりTan Contactを測定した実験)
  • 10/2 (YS)(資料)
  • 8/28 (KN)
    • "Phase-space deformation of a trapped dipolar Fermi gas", Takahiko Miyakawa, Takaaki Sogo, and Han Pu, Phys. Rev. A 77, 061603(R)
    • "Observation of Fermi surface deformation in a dipolar quantum gas" K. Aikawa, S. Baier, A. Frisch, M. Mark, C. Ravensbergen, F. Ferlaino, Science 345, 1484-1487 (2014)
  • 8/7 (SE)(資料
  • 7/31 (SU)
    • "Observation of a strongly ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate", SeungJung Huh, Kyungtae Kim, Kiryang Kwon, Jae-yoon Choi arXiv:2006.06228
  • 7/3 (TF)(資料
  • 6/19 (HO)
    • “Robust Bilayer Charge-Pumping for Spin- and Density-Resolved Quantum Gas Microscopy” J. Koepsell, S. Hirthe, D. Bourgund, P. Sompet, J. Vijayan, G. Salomon, C. Gross, I. Bloch, arXiv:2002.07577
    • “Measuring total density correlations in a Fermi-Hubbard gas via bilayer microscopy” Thomas Hartke, Botond Oreg, Ningyuan Jia, Martin Zwierlein arXiv:2003.11669
    • "Sub-second production of erbium quantum gases" Markus Greiner's group
  • 5/22 (KK)
    • Jonathan Kohler, Justin A. Gerber, Emma Dowd, and Dan M. Stamper-Kurn "Negative-Mass Instability of the Spin and Motion of an Atomic Gas Driven by Optical Cavity Backaction" Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 013601 (2018)
  • 5/8 (HT)(資料
  • 4/24 (MH)
    • "Quantum Kibble–Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator" Keesling, Alexander, et al. Nature 568, 207-211 (2019).
    • "Strong coupling of two individually controlled atoms via a nanophotonic cavity." Samutpraphoot, Polnop, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 063602 (2020)
    • "Fast in situ observation of atomic Feshbach resonances by photoassociative ionization." Eisele, M., R. A. W. Maier, and C. Zimmermann. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 123401 (2020)
    • "Active Learning Approach to Optimization of Experimental Control." Wu, Yadong, et al. arXiv:2003.11804
  • 4/10 (SI)(資料
    • "Observation of dynamical fermionization" Joshua M. Wilson, Neel Malvania, Yuan Le, Yicheng Zhang, Marcos Rigol, David S. Weiss, Science 367, 1461–1464 (2020)
  • 3/6 (TF)(資料
    • "A stripe phase with supersolid properties in spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates" Jun-Ru Li et al., Nature, 543, 91–94 (2017)
  • 2/14 (TH)
    • "Spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates" Y.-J. Lin, K. Jiménez-García & I. B. Spielman Nature 471, 83–86 (2011)
  • 1/30 (SE)(資料
    • "A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules" L.D. Marco, et al., Science 363, 853-856 (2019)
    • "Thermalization and Sub-Poissonian Density Fluctuations in a Degenerate Molecular Fermi Gas" W.G. Tobias, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 033401 (2020)
  • 1/10 (YS)(資料
    • "Impurity-induced multi-body resonances in a Bose gas" Z-Y. Shi, S. M. Yoshida, M. M. Parish, and J. Levinsen, arXiv:1807.09948
      (Meera Parishらのグループによって行われた 不純物によるボース原子の多粒子束縛状態の論文)