
Physics is the most fundamental scientific discipline that studies the behavior of matter and everything, and underlying universal laws, through the collaboration of experimental observations and theoretical reflection. Advances in physical science enrich our understanding and perception of the nature, and our life as well.  Developing human resources with profound scholarship in physics and logical methods is becoming more important in today's society that pursues basic research and state-of-the-art technology. OMU Physics offers training and research in theoretical physics, experimental physics, and also in science communication, and fosters individuals who are rich in creativity and can widely contribute to society, and also who are capable of conducting further research in physics and related fields. We very much look forward to welcoming you with an enterprising spirit and enthusiasm.

OMU Physics provides undergraduate students with strong and rigorous foundation in classical and modern physics, including mechanics, electromagnetics, thermodynamics, statistical physics, and quantum mechanics. We also provide world-class research opportunities for 4-th grade undergrad students in labs conducted by the faculty of all areas in physics - theoretical and experimental particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and condensed matter physics. Further research opportunities and advanced course in physics will be provided for graduate students to take the degree of Master and PhD.