Medical Elective Program



Osaka Metropolitan University coordinates medical elective requests from overseas medical students.

Our placements are only available to enroll a medical students at least 3rd year of studies could take the elective program.
(If you have graduate and are a doctor, then you are not eligible for the program.)

Current status of elective placements

  • Applications for the 2025 AY have closed.

The application deadline is 4 months prior to the beginning of the medical elective program.

Our elective placements are clinically based allocations. Students will be expected to participate in the activities of the unit while under the supervision of hospital staff, where there will be many opportunities to engage in clinical activities in relation to patient assessment and patient care.


You are expected to attend your elective placement from Monday to Friday during normal business hours. Failure to do so will result in your attendance form being signed off only for days attended.

All elective placements are now only available for a maximum of four weeks only, and a minimum of two weeks. We will try our best to accommodate your first preference; however, due to the number of applications we receive, we cannot guarantee that the clinical placements requested will always be available.

Please read the OMU Elective Information Guide (Q&A) carefully before you apply.

If after reading our guide you would like to apply for a placement here at Osaka Metropolitan University Elective, please complete the application form and submit via email with other documents as listed on the form to the Educational Affairs department.



Educational Affairs Department

Osaka Metropolitan University School of Medicine
