

Ultralow radiant exposure of a short-pulsed laser to disrupt melanosomes with localized thermal damage through a turbid medium

Yu Shimojo, Takahiro Nishimura, Daisuke Tsuruta, Toshiyuki Ozawa
Scientific Reports 14, 20112 (2024)

Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy Using an Organic Light-emitting Diode

Yu Shimojo, Rie Teranishi, Takahiro Nishimura, Kenji Kuwada, Tsuyoshi Goya, Katsuyuki Morii, Daisuke Tsuruta, Toshiyuki Ozawa
The Journal of Japan Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine 45(2), 153-160 (2024)

Effect of photodynamic therapy with 5-aminolevulinic acid and EDTA-2Na against mixed infection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Rie Teranishi, Toshiyuki Ozawa, Bunpei Katayama, Yu Shimojo, Nobuhisa Ito, Kunio Awazu, Daisuke Tsuruta
Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine 40(2), e12959 (2024)

Wavelength-dependent threshold fluences for melanosome disruption to evaluate the treatment of pigmented lesions with 532-, 730-, 755-, 785-, and 1064-nm picosecond lasers

Yu Shimojo, Takahiro Nishimura, Daisuke Tsuruta, Toshiyuki Ozawa, Henry Hin Lee Chan, Taro Kono
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 56(4), 404-418 (2024)

Exploration of hair-growth ingredients using a new approach focusing on stem cells

Tetsuhiro Kikuchi, Kosuke Watanabe, Yu Shimojo, Len Ito, Toshiyuki Ozawa
Fragrance journal: Research & development for cosmetics, toiletries & allied industries. 51(11), 22-27. (2023)

Possible Involvement of Dermal Fibroblasts in Modulating Nrf2 Signaling in Epidermal Keratinocytes.

Tsuruta Y, Katsuyama Y, Okano Y, Ozawa T, Yoshimoto S, Ando H, Masaki H, Ichihashi M.Biol Pharm
Biol Pharm Bull. 46(5), 725-729.(2023)

Deep learning based depth map estimation of protoporphyrin IX in turbid media using dual wavelength excitation fluorescence

Hinano Imanishi, Takahiro Nishimura, Yu Shimojo, and Kunio Awazu
Biomedical Optics Express.14(10), 5254-5266 (2023)

Transient simulation of laser ablation based on Monte Carlo light transport with dynamic optical properties model.

Yu Shimojo, Kazuma Sudo, Takahiro Nishimura, Toshiyuki Ozawa, Daisuke Tsuruta, Kunio Awazu
Scientific Reports, 1311898 (2023)

Artificial neural network-based determination of denoised optical properties in double integrating spheres measurement.

Yusaku Takai, Takahiro Nishimura, Yu Shimojo, Kunio Awazu
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 16(06), 2350012 (2023)

Nonlinear absorption-based analysis of energy deposition in melanosomes for 532-nm short-pulsed laser skin treatment.

Shimojo Y, Nishimura T, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Awazu K.
Lasers Surg Med. 2023 Mar;55(3):305-315.

Quantitative evaluation of light distribution in skin tissue for short-pulsed laser treatment using Monte Carlo simulation combined with nonlinear absorption model of melanin.

Yu Shimojo, Takahiro Nishimura, Kunio Awazu.
Proceedings of SPIE 12377:1237707 (2023)

Endoscopic image-guided laser treatment system based on fiber bundle laser steering.

Yuto Miyoshi, Takahiro Nishimura, Yu Shimojo, Keita Okayama, Kunio Awazu.
Scientific Reports 13(1):2921 (2023)


Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells into Insulin-Producing Cells with A Single Tet-Off Lentiviral Vector System.

Moriyama H, Moriyama M, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Hayakawa T.
Cell J. 2022 Dec 1;24(12):705-714.                                        

Mathematical modelling for antimicrobial photodynamic therapy mediated by 5-aminolaevulinic acid: An in vitro study.

Nishimura T, Suzuki T, Shimojo Y, Teranishi R, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Awazu K.
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2022 Dec;40:103116.

Syndactyly repair in Kindler syndrome.

Shiratori M, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D.
J Dermatol. 2022 Feb;49(2):e65-e66.

Prediction of acute oral toxicity using the Hansen solubility parameter.

Len Ito, Hideki Yamamoto.
Toxicology in vitro. (2022). 83(9), 105408

Predictive study of eye irritation results obtained from STE method using Hansen solubility parameters.

Len Ito, Takumi Fujii, Nobuyuki Fujiwara, Shuhei Watanabe, Koji Toyoda, Hideki Yamamoto.
J.Soc.Cosmet.Chem.Jpn. (2022). 56(1) 53-59

Two-level model of melanin absorption in picosecond laser skin treatment.

Yu Shimojo, Takahiro Nishimura, Kunio Awazu.
Proceedings of SPIE 11958:1195802 (2022)

Three-dimensional transient simulation of CO<sub>2</sub> laser tissue vaporization and experimental evaluation with a hydrogel phantom.

Kazuma Sudo, Yu Shimojo, Takahiro Nishimura, Kunio Awazu.
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 15(3):2250016 (2022)


Open study of photodynamic therapy for skin ulcers infected with MRSA and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Shiratori M, Ozawa T, Ito N, Awazu K, Tsuruta D.
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2021 Dec. 36:102484.

Syndactyly repair in Kindler syndrome. 

Shiratori M, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D. 
 J Dermatol. 2021 Nov 17. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.16236.

A case of a long-neglected basal cell carcinoma on the scalp.

Furukawa H, Sowa-Osako J, Ozawa T, Hashimoto T, Tsuruta D.
Our Dermatology Online. 2021 Apr. 12(2):206-207.

Clinical, histopathological and dermoscopic features of melanotic macules of the glans penis.  

Furukawa H, Ozawa T. Sowa-Osako J, Sakai H, Hashimoto T, Tsuruta D.
Our Dermatol Online 1.2021 DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20211.25. 

A case of pagetoid squamous cell carcinoma in situ: Bowen’s disease of the glans penis requiring differentiation from extramammary Paget’s disease. 

Furukawa H, Imanishi H, Sowa-Osako J, Ozawa T, Hashimoto T, Tsuruta D.
Our Dermatol Online 1.2021.DOI: 10.7241/ourd.20211.27. 

A ubiquitin-like protein encoded by the "noncoding" RNA TINCR promotes keratinocyte proliferation and wound healing. 

Nita A, Matsumoto A, Tang R, Shiraishi C, Ichihara K, Saito D, Suyama M, Yasuda T, Tsuji G, Furue M, Katayama B, Ozawa T, Murata T, Dainichi T, Kabashima K, Hatano A, Matsumoto M, Nakayama KI.
PLoS Genet. 2021 Aug 5;17(8)

Prediction of the binding to androgen receptor using Hansen solubility parameters.

Len Ito, Hideki Yamamoto.
Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation. (2021). 21(1) 19-25

Effects of Hair Bleaching on the Structure of Cell Membrane Complex in the Cuticle and Water Sorption Behavior.

Sho Kobayashi, Kosuke Watanabe, Kazuyuki Suzuta, Len Ito.
SPring-8 Section B: Industrial Application Report. (2021). 9(5) 337-342

Prediction of GHS eye-irritation classification using the Hansen solubility parameter.

Len Ito, Takumi Fujii, Shuhei Watanabe, Hideki Yamamoto.
J.Soc.Cosmet.Chem.Jpn. (2021). 55(3) 288-297.

 Highly accurate predictor of eye irritation utilizing potential parameters of a reconstructed human cornea epithelium model calculated based on Hansen solubility parameters.

Len Ito, Takumi Fujii, Shuhei Watanabe, Hideki Yamamoto.
Toxicology in vitro. (2021), 70, 105039.

 An alternative predictor of eye irritation that utilizes potential parameters of the human corneal epithelium model calculated based on Hansen solubility parameters.

Takumi Fujii, Len Ito*(eaqually contribution), Shuhei Watanabe, Hideki Yamamoto.
Toxicology Letters. (2021). 342(15), 1-5.

 Graphical interpretation of non-negative factorization expecting bio-Raman research.

Hua Yu, Ziteng Wang, Mana Nemoto, Kazuyuki Suzuta, Len Ito, Shin-ichi Morita.
Applied Physics Express. (2021). 14(8), 086501.

Incident Fluence Analysis for 755-nm Picosecond Laser Treatment of Pigmented Skin Lesions Based on Threshold Fluences for Melanosome Disruption.

Yu Shimojo, Takahiro Nishimura, Hisanao Hazama, Nobuhisa Ito, Kunio Awazu.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 53(8):1096-1104 (2021)

 Determination of optical properties in double integrating sphere measurement by artificial neural network based method.

Takahiro Nishimura, Yusaku Takai, Yu Shimojo, Hisanao Hazama, Kunio Awazu.
Optical Review 28(1):42-47 (2021)

Phospho-Ser727 triggers a multistep inactivation of STAT3 by rapid dissociation of pY705-SH2 through C-terminal tail modulation.

Yang J, Kunimoto H, Katayama B, Zhao H, Shiromizu T, Wang L, Ozawa T, Tomonaga T, Tsuruta D, Nakajima K.
Int Immunol. 2020 Feb. 32(2):73-88.

Increased programmed death ligand-1 expression in metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma associates with better prognosis.

Nakamura M, Magara T, Nojiri Y, Nishihara H, Kato H, Teramoto Y, Yasuda M, Wada H, Ozawa T, Umemori Y, Ogata D, Kobayashi T, Hata M, Nagase K, Morita A.
J Dermatol Sci. 2020 Feb;97(2):165-167. 

Measurement of absorption and reduced scattering coefficients in Asian human epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat tissues in the 400- to 1100-nm wavelength range for optical penetration depth and energy deposition analysis.

Shimojo Y, Nishimura T, Hazama H, Ozawa T, Awazu K..
J Biomed Opt. 2020 Apr;25(4):1-14.

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase correlates with tumor immune activity and programmed death ligand-1 expression in Merkel cell carcinoma.

Nakamura M, Nagase K, Yoshimitsu M, Magara T, Nojiri Y, Kato H, Kobayashi T, Teramoto Y, Yasuda M, Wada H, Ozawa T, Umemori Y, Ogata D, Morita A. 
 J Immunother Cancer. 2020 Dec;8(2):e001679.

Successful long-term treatment with pazopanib after prior interleukin-2 therapy in patients with metastatic cutaneous angiosarcoma of the scalp.

Watanabe M, Nakai K, Iwaki Y, Ozawa T, Kamo R, Tsuruta D.
Dermatol Ther. 2020 Nov. 33(6):e14007

Autophagy-related protein expression in granulomatous skin diseases.

Yanagihara S, Okazaki H, Sugawara K, Ozawa T, Sayama K, Yamamoto O, Tsuruta D, Nakai K. 
J Dermatol. 2020 Oct. 47(10):e364-e366.

Dermal Fibroblasts Internalize Phosphatidylserine-Exposed Secretory Melanosome Clusters and Apoptotic Melanocytes. 

Ando H, Yoshimoto S, Yoshida M, Shimoda N, Tadokoro R, Kohda H, Ishikawa M, Nishikata T, Katayama B, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Mizutani KI, Yagi M, Ichihashi M. 
Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Aug. 21(16):5789.

Panhypopituitarism induced by ipilimumab. 

Shiratori M, Ozawa T, Miyaoka D, Imanishi Y, Tsuruta D.
Dermatol sin. 2020 Feb. 38(1):63-64.

Highly accurate predictor of eye irritation that utilizes rabbit eye potential parameters calculated based on Hansen solubility parameters.

Len Ito, Nobuyuki Fujiwara, Hideki Yamamoto.
Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation. (2020). 25(1), 13-18.

 Automatic Removal of Binary Background Components from Raman Big Data and Its Application to Human Hair Imaging.

Akunna Francess Uhuagu, Momoko Furuta, Takakazu Nakabayashi, Len Ito, Shin-ichi Morita.
Applied Physics Express. (2020). 13, 036501-1-5.

 Evaluation of Sulfur Distribution in Bleached Human Hair using Soft X-ray Microspectroscopy.

Kazuyuki Suzuta, Kosuke Watanabe, Len Ito.
SPring-8 Section B: Industrial Application Report. (2020). 8(2), 375-378.

 Evaluation of Sulfur Distribution in Human Black Hair using Soft X-ray Microspectroscopy.

Kazuyuki Suzuta, Sho Kobayashi, Takaaki Maeda, Kosuke Watanabe, Len Ito.
SPring-8 Section B: Industrial Application Report. (2020). 8(2), 384-387.

Picosecond Laser-Induced Photothermal Skin Damage Evaluation by Computational Clinical Trial.

Yu Shimojo, Takahiro Nishimura, Hisanao Hazama, Nobuhisa Ito, Kunio Awazu.
Laser Therapy 29(1):61-72 (2020)

Adipose-derived stromal/stem cells improve epidermal homeostasis. 

Moriyama M, Sahara S, Zaiki K, Ueno A, Nakaoji K, Hamada K, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Hayakawa T, Moriyama H.
Sci Rep. 2019 Dec. 9(1):18371.

Relationship between dermoscopy and pathology in a case of clonal-type pigmented Bowen's disease: Observation with vertical-view dermoscopy. 

Yamanaka-Takaichi M, Ozawa T, Kusutani N, Sowa-Osako J, Tanaka M, Murata Y, Kubo Y, Ohsawa M, Tsuruta D, Sakai H.
J Dermatol, 2019 May. 46(5):436-439.

Effectiveness of weekly paclitaxel for edema and pain in classic Kaposi sarcoma with widespread eruption in the lower legs.

Omura R, Kamo R, Kusutani N, Fukai K, Ozawa T, Awazawa R, Osawa M, Tsuruta D.
J Dermatol. 2019 May.  46(5):e180-e181.

Predicting One’s Future Hair Condition.

Nagami, M. Yamada, M. Yamashita, Y. Sakurai, M. Furuta, T. Kou, H. Igarashi, M. Watanabe, L. Ito.
IFFSCC MAGAZINE. (2019). 21(3), 81-85.


Notch signaling enhances stemness by regulating metabolic pathways through modifying p53, NF-κB, and HIF-1α. 

Moriyama H, Moriyama M, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Iguchi T, Tamada S, Nakatani T, Nakagawa K, Hayakawa T.
Stem Cells Dev.  2018 Jul. 27(13):935-947.

Enhanced sterilization and healing of cutaneous pseudomonas infection using 5-aminolevulinic acid as a photosensitizer with 410-nm LED light.

Katayama B, Ozawa T, Morimoto K, Awazu K, Ito N, Honda N, Oiso N, Tsuruta D.
J Dermatol Sci, 2018 Jun. 90(3):323-331.

Spectrophotometric photodynamic detection involving extracorporeal treatment with hexaminolevulinate for bladder cancer cells in voided urine. 

Nakai Y, Ozawa T, Mizuno F, Onishi S, Owari T, Hori S, Morizawa Y, Tatsumi Y, Miyake M, Tanaka N, Tsuruta D, Fujimoto K. 
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2017 Nov. 143(11):2309-2316.

Podoplanin expression in peritumoral keratinocytes predicts aggressive behavior in extramammary Paget's disease. 

Cho Z, Konishi E, Kanemaru M, Isohisa T, Arita T, Kawai M, Tsutsumi M, Mizutani H, Takenaka H, Ozawa T, Tsuruta D, Katoh N, Asai J. 
J Dermatol Sci. 2017 Jul. 87(1):29-35.

Observation of Hairs in Various Countries Using X-ray CT method.

Ito, K. Watanabe, T. Maeda, K. Suzuta.
Status Report of Hyogo-Beamlines with Research Results. (2017). 5(6), 20-23