Substituting phosphorus and nitrogen in hydroponic fertilizers with a waste derived nutrients solution: pH control strategies to increase substitution ratios
Sakuma, S., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Chemosphere 369:143805. 2024.
Effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and photosynthetic photon flux density on the growth of the sea bivalve Tridacna crocea in combination with the symbiotic alga zooxanthella.
Kitaya, Y., Iba, Y., Shibuya, T., Masuda, A.
Hydrobiology 3:350–363. 2024.
Lower far-red light levels improve tolerance to high evaporative demand in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings by increasing leaf hydraulic conductance
Shibuya, T., Kajikawa, S., Kuroda, J., Endo, R.
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 43:4894–4903. 2024.
Application of digestate from a methane fermentation process for supplying water and nutrients in sweet potato cultivation in sandy soil.
Kitaya, Y., Siqinbatu, Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Methane 3:410–420. 2024.
A Simple method for estimating stomatal aperture from temperature measurements on intact leaves and wet and dry artificial reference leaves.
Kitaya, Y., Ikeda, N., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
AgriEngineering 6:1335–1348. 2024.
柿並 正剛, 遠藤 良輔, 渋谷 俊夫
Eco-Engineering 36: 25-31. 2024.
Effects of end-of-day far-red light and relative humidity on flowering and stem elongation of petunia (Petunia × hybrida) seedlings
Shibuya, T., Izumi, M., Endo, R.
Scientia Horticulturae 324: 112600. 2024.
Far-red light interacts with salinity stress in Cucumis sativus seedlings partly through changes in photosynthate allocation.
Shibuya, T., Nagata, A., Endo, R.
Plant Growth Regulation 102:91-97. 2024.
Effect of fish density on biological production in aquaponics combining lettuce hydroponics and loach aquaculture for Controlled Ecological Life Support systems in space.
Kitaya, Y., Kawamoto, T., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Frontiers Astronomy and Space Sciences 10:1197402. 2023.
Effects of far-red light and photoperiod during early growth stages on flower bud development of seed-propagated strawberry seedlings.
Tsuruyama J., Shibuya, T.
Scientia Horticulturae 317: 112051. 2023.
Acidophilic nitrification of biogas digestates accelerates sustainable hydroponics by enhancing phosphorus dissolution.
Sakuma S., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Bioresource Technology Reports 22:101391. 2023.
Cucumber leaf necrosis caused by abrupt change to light with a high far-red component.
Shibuya, T., Kataoka, C., Nishio, K., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y., Shinto, Y., Mishiba, KI., Iwata, Y.
Biologia Plantarum 67:28-35. 2023.
Far-red light interacts with wind-induced stress in cucumber seedlings.
Shibuya, T., Shinto, Y., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Scientia Horticulturae 295:110805. 2022.
Growth and physiological characteristics of wasabi plantlets cultured by photoautotrophic micropropagation at different temperatures. 2020.
Hoang, N.N., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R.
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 143(1):87–96. 2020.
Far-red light interacts with plant density to change photosynthate allocation of cucumber seedlings and their subsequent early growth after transplanting.
Shibuya, T., Tsuchida, M., Endo., R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 55(9):1433–1437. 2020.
Light intensity influences feeding and fecundity of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) through the responses of host Cucumis sativus leaves.
Shibuya, T., Iwahashi, Y., Suzuki, T., Endo, R., Hirai, N.
Experimental and Applied Acarology 81(2):163–172. 2020.
Effects of supporting materials in in vitro acclimatization stage on ex vitro growth of wasabi plants.
Hoang, N.N, Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R.
Scientia Horticulturae 261:109042. 2020.
Application of biogas digestate as a nutrient solution for the hydroponic culture of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat with rockwool substrate.
Takemura, K., Endo, R. Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Waste and Biomass Valorization 11:2645-2650. 2019.
Interaction between red to far-red ratio of light and vapor-pressure deficit on extension growth of cucumber seedlings.
Shibuya, T., Kishigami, S., Endo, R., Matsuda, R.
Scientia Horticulturae 248: 98–104. 2019.
Development of an in vitro hydroponic culture system for wasabi nursery plant production—Effects of nutrient concentration and supporting material on plantlet growth.
Hoang, N.N, Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R.
Scientia Horticulturae 245: 237–243. 2018.
Growth and flowering responses of seed-propagated strawberry seedlings to different photoperiods in controlled environment chambers.
Tsuruyama J., Shibuya, T.
HortTechnology: 28: 453–458. 2018.
Effects of the interaction between vapor-pressure deficit and salinity on growth and photosynthesis of Cucumis sativus seedlings under different CO2 concentrations.
Shibuya, T., Kano, K., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Photosynthetica 56:893–900. 2018.
Differences in early hyphal development of Podosphaera xanthii on Cucumis sativus leaves acclimatized to high or low relative humidity.
Itagaki, K., Shibuya, T.
Botany 96:67–71. 2018.
Growth responses of wasabi plantlets under different temperature regimes during photoautotrophic micropropagation.
Hoang, N.N., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R.
Eco-Engineering 29: 125–129. 2017.
Growth performances and changes of macronutrient ion concentrations in the culture medium when Euglena gracilis was cultured with nitrified digestate.
Takemura, K., Endo, R., Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Environmental technology 18: 2273-2279. 2017.
A comparative study on growth and morphology of wasabi plantlets under the influence of the micro-environment in shoot and root zones during photoautotrophic and photomixotrophic micropropagation. Hoang, N.N., Kitaya, Y., Morishita, T., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 130:255–263. 2017.
Light competition within dense plant stands and their subsequent growth under illumination with different red:far-red ratios.
Shibuya, T., Kishigami, S., Takahashi, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Scientia Horticulturae 213: 49-54. 2016.
Photosynthetic properties and response to drought in cucumber seedlings acclimatized to different vapor-pressure-deficit levels.
Shibuya, T., Kano, K., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
The Horticulture Journal 86 (3): 334–339. 2017.
Modifications of concentrations of plant macronutrient ions in digestate from anaerobic digestion during nitrification processes.
Takemura, K., Endo, R., Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Journal of Residuals Science & Technology 13: 207-214. 2016.
Growth analysis and photosynthesis measurements of cucumber seedlings grown under light with different red to far-red ratios.
Shibuya, T., Hayashi, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 51(7):843-846. 2016.
Use of methane fermentation digestate for hydroponic culture: analysis of potential inhibitors in digestate to cucumber seedling.
Endo, R., Yamashita, K., Shibuya, T., Kitaya, Y.
Eco-engineering 28(3):67-72. 2016.
Early development of powdery mildew on cucumber leaves acclimatized to illumination with different red-to-far-red ratios.
Itagaki, K., Shibuya, T., Tojo, M., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 51(5):530–536. 2016.
Atmospheric humidity influences on oviposition rate of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) through morphological responses of host Cucumis sativus leaves.
Shibuya, T., Itagaki, K., Ueyama, S., Hirai, N., Endo, R.
Journal of Economic Entomology 109 (1): 255-258. 2016.
Development of powdery mildew fungus on cucumber leaves acclimatized to different CO2concentrations.
Itagaki, K., Shibuya, T., Tojo, M., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 50 (11):1662-1665. 2015.
Grafting transiently suppresses development of powdery mildew colonies, probably through a quantitative change in water relations of the host cucumber scions during graft healing.
Shibuya, T., Itagaki, K., Wang, Y., Endo, R.
Scientia Hortriculturae 192:197-199. 2015.
Ground based study on culturing garlic as a source of vegetable food and medicine in space – Growth and ajoene accumulation in garlic plants cultured with different CO2 regimes.
Naznin, M. T., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Endo, R., Hirai, H., Lefsrud M. G.
Biological Sciences in Space 29: 1-7. 2015.
Microalgae culture with digestate from methane fermentation –Effects of digestate concentrations and pH on the growth of Euglena gracilis.
Khanh, N., Kitaya, Y., Xiao, L., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.,
Eco-Engineering 27 (1):7-11. 2015
The photosynthetic parameters of cucumber as affected by irradiances with different red:far-red ratios.
Shibuya T., Endo, R., Yuba, T., Kitaya, Y.
Biologia Plantarum 59 (1): 198-200. 2015.
Effects of soil water content on the growth of sweet potato grown in sandy soil.
Siqinbatu, Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Eco-Engineering 26 (3), 75-80. 2014
Adventitious root formation of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) cuttings is stimulated by soaking basal portion of cuttings in warmed water while cooling their apical portion.
Shibuya, T., Taniguchi, T., Tsukuda, S., Shiozaki, S., Itagaki, K.
New Forest 45 (4) :589-602. 2014.
Atmospheric moisture influences on conidia development in Podosphaera xanthii through host-plant morphological responses
Itagaki, K., Shibuya, T., Tojo, M., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
European Journal of Plant Pathology 138 (1): 113-121. 2014.
Selection of microalgae suitable for culturing with digestate from methane fermentation.
Khanh, N., Kitaya, Y., Xiao, L., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Environmental Technology 24: 2039-2045. 2013.
Effects of water contents and CO2 concentrations in soil on growth of sweet potato.
Siqinbatu, Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Endo, R., Shibuya, T.
Field Crop Research 152: 36-43. 2013.
Height-convergence pattern in dense plant stands is affected by red-to-far-red ratio of background illumination.
Shibuya, T., Takahashi, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Scientia Hortriculturae 27: 65-69. 2013
Effects of warming basal ends of Carolina poplar (Populus × canadensis Moench.) softwood cuttings at controlled low-air-temperature on their root growth and leaf damage after planting.</a
Shibuya, T., Tsukuda S., Tokuda A., Shiozaki, S., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
Journal of Forest Research 18 (3): 279–284. 2013.>
High-light-like photosynthetic responses of Cucumis sativus leaves acclimated to fluorescent illumination with a high red:far-red ratio: interaction between light quality and quantity.
Shibuya, T., Endo, R., Hayashi, N., Kitaya, Y.
Photosynthetica 50 (4): 623-629. 2012
Fluorescent illumination with high red-to-far-red ratio improves resistance of cucumber seedlings to powdery mildew
Shibuya, T., Itagaki, K., Tojo, M., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 46 (3): :429-431. 2011
Preference of sweetpotato whitefly adults to cucumber seedlings grown under two different light sources.
Shibuya, T., Komuro, J., Hirai, N., Sakamoto, Y., Endo, R., Kitaya, Y.
HortTchnology 20 (5): 873-876. 2010.
Potential photosynthetic advantages of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings grown under fluorescent lamps with high red:far-red light
Shibuya, T., Endo, R., Hayashi, N., Kitamura, Y., Kitaya, Y.
HortScience 45 (4): 553-558. 2010.
Measurement of leaf vapor-conductance of cucumber transplants in the greenhouse with minimal invasion
Shibuya, T., Nagasaka, Y., Sugimoto, A., Kawaguchi, S., Kitaya, Y., Kiyota, M.
HortScience 45 (3): 460-462. 2010.
Acclimatization of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grafted cuttings by warming the hypocotyl of the rootstock in a cold chamber.
Shibuya, T.
Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science 79(1): 64-68. 2010.
Growth and ajoene concentrations in garlic plants cultured hydroponically with different aeration regimes.
Naznin, M. T., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Hirai, H.
Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 85 (2): 161-165. 2010.
Effects of morphological characteristics of Cucumis sativus seedlings grown at different vapor pressure deficits on initial colonization of Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)
Shibuya, T., Hirai, N., Sakamoto, Y., Komuro, J.
Journal of Economic Entomology 102 (6): 2265-2267 2009.
High plant density of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings mitigates inhibition of photosynthesis resulting from high vapor-pressure deficit.
Shibuya, T., Sugimoto, A., Kitaya, Y., Kiyota, M.
HortScience 44(6): 1796-1799. 2009.
Improvement of storage quality of eggplant grafted cuttings by warming of graft union at the beginning of low-air-temperature storage.
Shibuya, T., Nakashima, H., Shimizu-Maruo, K., Kawara, T.
Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. 73(5): 196-200. 2008.
Effects of lighting and air movement on temperatures in reproductive organs of plants in a closed plant growth facility.
Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H.
Adv. Space Res. 41: 763-767, 2008.
Growth of sweetpotato cultured in the newly designed hydroponic system for space farming.
Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Wei,X., Islam, A.F.M.S., Yamamoto M.
Adv. Space Res. 41: 730-735, 2008.
Space agriculture for habitation on Mars with hyper-thermophilic aerobic composting bacteria.
Kanazawa, S., Y. Ishikawa, K. Tomita-Yokotani, H. Hashimoto, Y. Kitaya, M. Yamashita, M. Nagatomo, T. Oshima, H. Wada, Space Agriculture Task Force
Adv. Space Res. 41(5): 696-700, 2008.
Iriomoteolide-3a, a cytotoxic 15-membered macrolide from a marine dinoflagellate Amphidinium species.
Keiko Oguchi, Masashi Tsuda, Rie Iwamoto, Yumiko Okamoto, Jun’ichi Kobayashi, Eri Fukushi, Jun Kawabata, Tomoko Ozawa, Atsunori Masuda, Yoshiaki Kitaya, Kenji Omasa
J. Org. Chem. 73 (4): 1567 -1570, 2008.
清水(丸雄)かほり・渋谷俊夫・徳田綾也子・瓦 朋子・杉脇秀美
園芸学研究 7 (1): 23-26,2008.
Improvement of graft development in tomato and eggplant grafted-cuttings by supplying warmed water to graft union during low-air-temperature storage
Shibuya, T., Nakashima, H., Shimizu-Maruo, K., Kawara, T.
J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 76 (3): 217-223. 2007.
Short-term bottom-heat treatment during low-air-temperature storage improves rooting in squash (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) cuttings used for rootstock of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Shibuya, T., Tokuda, A., Terakura, R., Shimizu-Maruo, K., Sugiwaki, H., Kitaya, Y., Kiyota, M.
J. Japan. Soc. Hort. Sci. 76 (2), 139-143. 2007.
Thermal situation of plant reproductive organs affected by gravity and light intensity
Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H.
J. Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 24(4), 325-329,2007.
Iriomoteolide-1a, a Potent Cytotoxic 20-Membered Macrolide from a Benthic Dinoflagellate Amphidinium Species.
Masashi Tsuda, Keiko Oguchi, Rie Iwamoto,Yumiko Okamoto, Jun’ichi Kobayashi, Eri Fukushi, Jun Kawabata, Tomoko Ozawa, Atsunori Masuda, Yoshiaki Kitaya, and Kenji Omasa,
J. Org. Chem., 72 (12), 4469 -4474, 2007.
Antiseptic aspects in internode cavities of bamboo plants
Wei, X., Kitaya, Y., Tani, A., Shibuya, T., Kiyota, M.
Eco-Engineering 19 (2), 83-87. 2007
渋谷俊夫・清水(丸雄)かほり・瓦 朋子・寺倉涼子
植物環境工学,19 (1),6-10,2007.
An overview of challenges in modeling heat and mass transfer for living on Mars
Yamashita M, Ishikawa Y, Kitaya Y, et al.
Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1077: 232-243, 2006.
杦本哲史・清田 信
Heat and gas exchange between plants and atmosphere under microgravity conditions
Kitaya. Y., Kawai, M., Takahashi, H., Tani, A., Goto, E., Saito, T., Shibuya, T., Kiyota, M.
N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1077, 244-255, 2006
Enhancement of photosynthesis and growth of tomato seedlings by forced ventilation within the canopy
Shibuya, T., Tsuruyama, J., Kitaya, Y., Kiyota, M.
Scientia Hort. 109 (3), 218-222, 2006.
Effects of low relative humidity and illumination on leaf water status of cucumber seedlings and growth of harvested cuttings
Shibuya, T., Terakura, R., Kitaya, Y., Kiyota, M.
HortScience 41 (2), 410-413, 2006.
Soil respiration in a bamboo forest as affected by soil temperature and soil moisture contents
Wei, X., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Kiyota, M.
Phyton-Annales Rei Botanicae 45 (4), 295-298, 2005.
Manipulation of the culture environment on in vitro air movement and its impact on plantlets photosynthesis
Kitaya Y, Ohmura Y, Kubota C, Kozai T.
Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 83 (3): 251-257, 2005.
Effects of temperature, CO2/O2 concentrations and light intensity on cellular multiplication of microalgae Euglena gracilis
Kitaya, Y., Azuma, H., Kiyota, M.
Adv. Space Res. 35, 1584-1588, 2005.
Effects of soil gas composition on Transpiration and leaf conductance of bamboos
Wei, X., Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Kiyota, M.
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 60(5), 845-848, 2005.
Effects of air velocity on photosynthesis of plant canopies under elevated CO2 levels in a plant culture system
Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Yoshida, M., Kiyota, M.
Adv. Space Res., 34 (7), 1466-1469, 2004.
寺倉涼子,渋谷俊夫,北宅善昭,清田 信
渋谷俊夫,和田光生,冨樫雄三,大西鉄男,清田 信
植物工場学会誌,16(3), 138-144,2004.
西宮明文,清田 信
Effects of CO2 concentration and light intensity on photosynthesis of a rootless submerged plant, Ceratophyllum demersum L. used for aquatic food production in bioregenerative life support systems
Kitaya Y, Okayama T, Murakami K, Toshiro Takeuchi
Adv. Space Res. 31 (7), 1743-1749, 2003.
寺倉涼子,渋谷俊夫,北宅善昭,清田 信
渋谷俊夫,寺倉涼子,清田 信
渋谷俊夫,猪田博子,山口健一,清田 信
渋谷俊夫,川口真也,清家 孝,清田 信
Effects of air current speed on gas exchange in plant leaves and plant canopies
Kitaya, Y., Tsuruyama, J., Shibuya, T., Yoshida, M., Kiyota, M.
Adv. Space Res., 31(1),177-182,2003
後藤英司,辻村淳之助,高橋秀幸,北宅善昭,齋藤高弘,谷 晃
Eco-Engineering, 15(1), 27-30, 2003.
The effect of gravity on surface temperatures of plant leaves
Kitaya Y., Kawai, M. Tsuruyama, J., Takahashi, H., Tani, A., Goto, E., Saito, T., Kiyota, M.
Plant, Cell and Environment, 26, 497-503, 2003.
Photosynthesis and evapotranspiration of the mangrove forest in eastern Thailand
Kitaya, Y., Yabuki, K., Aoki, M., Supappibul, K.
Mangrove Science, 2, 11-17, 2002.
Early growth of seven mangrove species planted at different elevations in a Thai estuary
Kitaya, Y., Jintana, V., Piriyayotha, S., Jaijing D., Yabuki, K., Izutani, S., Nishimiya, A., Iwasaki, M.
Trees-Structure and Function, 16, 150-154, 2002.
Effect of submergence and shading of hypocotyls on leaf conductance in young seedlings of the mangrove Rhizophora stylosa
Kitaya, Y., Sumiyoshi, M., Kawabata, K., Monji, N.
Trees-Structure and Function, 16, 147-149, 2002.
Gas exchange and oxygen concentration in pneumatophores and prop roots of four mangrove species
Kitaya,Y., Yabuki,K., Kiyota,M., Tani,A., Hirano,T., Aiga,I.
Tree. 16,155-158,2002.
二酸化炭素施用がSonerila pictaの生育,開花および光合成に及ぼす影響について
奥田光博,泉谷 進,清田 信
肖 麗亜,清田 信
The effect of gravity on surface temperature and net photosynthetic rate of plant leaves
Kitaya, K., Kawai, M., Tsuruyama, J., Takahashi, H., Tani, A., Goto, E., Saito, T., Kiyota, M.
Adv. Space Res. 28(4),659-664,2001.
Ground performance of air conditioning and water recycle system for a Space Plant Box
Tani, A., Okuma, T., Goto, E., Kitaya, Y., Saito, T., Takahashi, H.
Adv. Space Res., 27 57-62, 2001
肖 麗亜,清田 信
肖 麗亞・清田 信
生物環境調節,39(3), 183-189. 2001.
生物環境調節,39(1),35-41, 2001.
Performance of a water suction system using hydrophilic fibrous cloth under low gravity and microgravity in parabolic flight
Tani, A., Saito, T., Kitaya, Y., Takahashi, H., Goto, E..
Environ. Control in Biol., 38(2), 89-97. 2000.
Effects of gravity on output of humidity sensors with different detection mechanisms at constant humidity
Tani, A., Kitaya, Y., Goto, E., Saito, T., Takahashi, H.
J. Agric. Meteorol., 56(3), 209-215, 2000.
Development of a plant growth unit for growing plants over a long-term life cycle under microgravity conditions
Kitaya, Y., Tani, A., Goto, E., Saito, T., Takahashi, H.
Adv. Space Res., 26(2), 281-288, 2000.
重久眞至,平野高司,清田 信
第14回環境情報科学論文集, 249-254,2000.
Effect of volume of rice husk charcoal masses inside soil ridges on growth of sweetpotate in a wet lowland
Saiful Islam, A.F.M., Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Yanase, M., Mori, G. and Kiyota, M.
J. Agric. Meteorol,56(1),1-9,2000.
アボカド(Persea americana)の鮮度保持のための簡易包装設計
肖 麗亞,清田 信
Perforamce of humidity sensors under low gravity realized by parabolic flight (1):Effects of gravity on output of sensors with different detection mechanisms at constant humidity”
Tani, A., Kitaya, Y., Goto,E., Saito, T., and Takahashi, H.
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 56, 209-216, 2000.
谷 晃,大熊健,田中茂樹,斎藤高弘,北宅善昭,後藤英司,高橋秀幸
CELSS JOURNAL, 12(1), 21-25, 1999.
小林有一,斎藤高弘,志賀 徹,荒川陽司,高井政和,嶋貫雅一,谷 晃,北宅善昭,後藤英司,高橋秀幸
CELSS JOURNAL, 12(1), 9-14,1999.
谷 晃,斎藤隆雄,林宏一郎,佐藤光,新井竜次,多胡靖宏,清田 信
CELSS JOURNAL, 12(1), 15-20, 1999.
肖 麗亞,清田 信
生物環境調節,37(4), 257-260,1999.
Nutritional Characteristics of Sago and Oil Palm in Tropical Peat Soil. Matsumoto, M., Osaki, M., Nuyim, T., Jongskul, A., Eam-on, P., Kitaya, Y. et al.
Plant Nutrition. 21(9), 1819-1841, 1998.
Effects of light intensity and air velocity on air temperture, water vapor pressure, and CO2 concentration inside a plant canopy under an artificial lighting condition
Kitaya, Y., Shibuya, T., Kozai, T., Kubota, C.
Life Support & Biosphere Science, 5, 199-203, 1998.
Photosynthetic photon flux, photoperiod, and CO2 concentration affect growth and morphology of lettuce plug transplants
Kitaya, Y., Niu, G., Kozai, T., Ohashi, M.
Hort Science, 33(6), 988-991, 1998.
Effects of water table levels on soil gas composition and the growth characteristics of carrot
Saiful Islam, A.F.M., Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Yanase, M., Mori, G. and Kiyota, M.
Applied Biological Science, 4, 135-142, 1998.
Effects of CO2 and O2 concentration and light intensity on grow of microalgae (Euglena gracilis) in CELSS
Kitaya, Y., Kibe, S., Oguchi, M., Tanaka, H., Miyatake, H. and Nakano, Y.
Life Support & Biosphere Science, 5, 243-247, 1998.
Improvement of early growth of tomato and eggplant grafted cuttings by warming of graft union at beginning of low temperature storage.
Shibuya, T., K. Shimizu-Maruo, T. Kawara, K. Tsuchiya, M. Douzono
Acta Horticulturae 923. 255-260. 2011.
Important Role of Air Convection for Plant Production in Space Farming.
Kitaya, Y., Hirai, H., Shibuya, T.
Biological Sciences in Space 24 (3_4):121-128 2010.
Nutritional Matter Production of Sequential Crop Cultivation Using CEEF
R. Arai, T. Tani, Y. Tako, Y .Kitaya, A. Tani, T. Saito
“Closed Habitation Experiments and Material Circulation Technology”, Institute of Environmental Sciences, 84-89, 2005.
Heat and gas exchanges between plants and atmosphere under microgravity conditions
Kitaya, Y., Kawai, M., Takahashi, H., Tani, A., Goto, E., Saito, T., Shibuya, T., Kiyota, M.
Preliminary Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena in Microgravity and Space Science IV, 2005.
The similarity between the afforested mangrove ecosystem and the natural one – comparative study of Can Gio plantation area and Iriomote Island,
Miyagi, T., Ngoc Van Nam, T. Kitaya Y., Suzuki, K., Hayashi K.
General Seminar on Environmental Science and Technology Sustainable Development, Vietnam, 156-164, 2003.
25 years of mangrove rehabilitation in Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ngoc Van Nam, Le Van Sing, Miyagi, T. Kitaya, Y.
General Seminar on Environmental Science and Technology Sustainable Development, Osaka, Japan, 178-183, 2003.
Natural/semi-natural mangrove geo-ecosystem establish by plantation in Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Miyagi, T., Kitaya, Y., Suzuki, K., Le Van Sing, Ngoc Van Nam
General Seminar on Environmental Science and Technology Sustainable Development, Osaka, Japan, 156-164, 2003.
Growth characteristics of dominantly planted species, Rhyzophore apiculata, and microclimate in the mangrove forest in Can Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Kitaya, Y., Suzuki, K., Miyagi, T. Tetsumi ASANO, Ngoc Van Nam and Le Van Sing
General Seminar on Environmental Science and Technology Sustainable Development, Osaka, Japan, 140-146, 2003.
Nutritional matter production of sequential crop cultivation using CEEF
Arai, R., Tani, T., Tako, Y., Kitaya, Y., Tani, A., Saito, T.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Closed Habitation Expriments and Material Circulation Technology, Aomori, Japan. 84-89. 2004.
Ecological rehabilitation and restoration of mangroves and coastal swamp ecosystems in Vietnam
Kitaya, Y., Suzuki, K., Miyagi, T.
General Seminar on Environmental Science and Technology Issues Related to Urban and Coastal Zone Development, 104-112, 2001.
Photosynthesis in the pneumatophores of mangroves
Kitaya, Y., Yabuki, K.
Proceedings of the 6th International Society of Root Research Symposium, 506-507, 2001.
Ecological rehabilitation and restoration of mangroves and coastal swamp ecosystems in Vietnam.
Kitaya, Y., Suzuki, K., Miyagi, T.
General Seminar on Environmental Science and Technology Issues Related to Urban and Coastal Zone Development Osaka, 104-112, 2001.
Problems encountered on growing plants in a closed plant production system – importance of air movements inside plant canopies
Kitaya, Y.
Proceedings of the International Meeting for advanced Technology of Environmental Control and life Support. Aomori, 252-253, 2001.
森林遺伝育種5,182–186. 2016年
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Environmental Issues and Ecological Conservation in Tropical Asian Countries – A Case Study of Bangladesh
A. F. M. S. Islam, Y. Kitaya
Eco-Engineering, 18(2), 6-10, 2006
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海外林木育種技術情報,15 (3),29-31,2006
中山祐一郎・青木大輔・北宅善昭・大木 理
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鈴木英世, 福田美樹夫,洞口公俊,増田篤稔,加藤元一,北宅善昭
Eco-Engineering, 16(2), 119-124, 2004
Tropical Ecology Letters, 46, 5-9, 2002
Ecological studies on mangroves and Melaleuca forests in Vietnam
Suzuki, K., Kitaya, Y., Miyagi, T.
Researches Related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program in Japan, 2001-2002, 17-24, 2002
Ecological rehabilitation and restoration of mangroves forests and coastal swamp ecosystems in Vietnam
Kitaya, Y., Suzuki, K., Miyagi, T.
Annual Report of FY2001, 172-180, 2003
Eco-Engineering, 14(4), 37-39, 2002
清田 信
Transplant production in closed systems, 237-269. In: Kozai, T., G. Niu,. and M. Takagaki (eds.). Plant factory, Academic Press.
Kozai, T., T. Shibuya, D. He, S. Zobayed, and Chun, C., 2015.
Hypocotyls Play an Important Role to Supply Oxygen to Roots in Young Seedlings of Mangroves. Y. Kitaya
“Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Balances in Mangrove Coastal Ecosystems. Edt. Y. Tateda”, Gendai-tosho, Japan, 109-117, 2007
Heat and Gas Exchanges Between Plants and Atmosphere in Space. Y. Kitaya
“Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnolgy Volume Ⅳ, Edt. J. A. Teixeira da Silva”, Global Science Books, UK, 261-265, 2006
Importance of air movement for promoting gas and heat exchanges between plants and atmosphere under controlled environments. Y. Kitaya
“Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Change, Edts, K. Omasa, I. Noguchi, L.J. De Kok”, Springer, Japan, 185-193,2006
植物による大気の浄化.清田 信
植物はCO2濃度の上昇を抑えるか.清田 信
空気の流動と光合成,蒸散,生育.清田 信
「花卉園芸大百科(第3巻)環境要素とその制御」, 農山漁村文化協会編,481-484,農文協,2002
試験管から宇宙ステーションまで―生物環境調節学―. 清田 信