ODDM Waveform
Orthogonal Delay-Doppler Division Multiplexing (ODDM)
A novel delay-Doppler domain multi-carrier (DDMC) waveform
based on the newly discovered delay-Doppler domain/plane orthogonal pulse (DDOP)
- 2025/2/3:
An ODDM talk will be delivered in the IEICE Mobile Communication Workshop.
- 2025/1/6: A talk on DD waveform design will be delivered in the IEICE RCS January Conference.
- 2024/7/4: A talk on ODDM modulation will be delivered in the IEEE ICCC 2024.
- 2023/8/03: A preprint "Multi-Carrier Modulation: An Evolution from Time-Frequency Domain to Delay-Doppler Domain" is available at arXiv.
- 2023/7/20: The ICC'22 and GLOBECOM'22 presentation slides and videos are posted. Find them below.
- 2023/1/18: IEEE ComSoC SPCC TC Webinar (2022/12/13) : talk_slides (2.9MB)
- 2025/2/3:
- H. Lin, J. Yuan, W. Yu, J. Wu, and L. Hanzo, “Multi-Carrier Modulation: An Evolution from Time-Frequency Domain to Delay-Doppler Domain,” 2023, arXiv:2308.01802.
- H. Lin and J. Yuan, “Orthogonal Delay-Doppler Division Multiplexing Modulation,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 11024-11037, Dec. 2022.
- H. Lin and J. Yuan, “On Delay-Doppler Plane Orthogonal Pulse,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2022. gc22_slides (1.5MB) gc22_video
- C. Shen, J. Yuan, and H. Lin, “Error Performance of Rectangular Pulse-shaped OTFS with Practical Receivers,” IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 2690-2694, Dec. 2022.
- H. Lin and J. Yuan, “Multicarrier Modulation on Delay-Doppler Plane: Achieving Orthogonality with Fine Resolutions,” IEEE ICC 2022. icc22_slides (1.7MB) icc22_video
Q&A: (Questions or comments are appreciated. Email to hai.lin[at]ieee.org)
- What is the waveform of ODDM?
- An example of ODDM waveform having M multi-carrier (MC) symbols is shown below, where each MC symbol has N=4 subcarriers and pulse-shaped by the DDOP namely a pulse-train being composed of N sub-pulses. In particular, the sub-pulses are root Nyquist pulses, for example, the root raised cosine (RRC) pulses. As a result, each MC symbol has N sections in time domain, and then M symbols form an ODDM frame in a staggered manner.
- An example of ODDM waveform having M multi-carrier (MC) symbols is shown below, where each MC symbol has N=4 subcarriers and pulse-shaped by the DDOP namely a pulse-train being composed of N sub-pulses. In particular, the sub-pulses are root Nyquist pulses, for example, the root raised cosine (RRC) pulses. As a result, each MC symbol has N sections in time domain, and then M symbols form an ODDM frame in a staggered manner.
- What is the waveform of ODDM?
Demo code:
Coming soon.