Differential Geometry Seminar (2014)

As a project of OCAMI, we shall promote the seminar on differential geometry in the wide sense of including the areas related to geometric analysis, topology, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, integrable systems, information sciences etc.

Contact Yoshihiro Ohnita
Shin Kato
Kaname Hashimoto
Department of Mathematics Osaka City University
Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, 558-8585, JAPAN
TEL 06-6605-2617 (Ohnita)
06-6605-2616 (Kato)
E-mail ohnita@sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp


List by Year

Speaker Hajime Urakawa (Tohoku University)
Title CR幾何学、擬調和写像と擬2-調和写像
Date October 22 (Wed.), 2014 14:40~16:10
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301


Speaker Kasue Atsushi (Kanazawa University)
Title Kuramochi boundaries of linear resistive networks
Date July 2 (Wed.) 16:30~18:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301


Speaker Kosuke Naokawa (Kobe University)
Title メビウスの帯の幾何学
Date June 18 (Wed.) 16:30~18:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301


Speaker Asuka Takatsu (Nagoya University)
Title 回転対称な確率測度の等周不等式
Date May 14 (Wed.) 16:30~18:00
Place Dept. of Mathematics, General Research Bldg., 301