Young Researcher Dispatch Program & Recruitment of OCAMI Researchers

Young Researcher Dispatch Program

In the Young Researcher Dispatch Program, Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute (OCAMI) encourages and supports young researchers (mainly OCAMI Researchers and their students; see Japanese page) to visit overseas research institutes and conduct joint research with local researchers: Japanese page

If you would like to apply, please consult an OCAMI Researcher and submit necessary documents (including Overseas Research Application Form) to OCAMI.

Recruitment of OCAMI Researchers

Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute (OCAMI) is recruiting OCAMI Researchers every academic year (April-March): Japanese page

If you would like to apply, please consult an OCAMI Researcher and submit necessary documents to OCAMI. If you wish to be hired in the middle of a academic year, you may submit the documents after the application deadline.