Course of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a system of theories and techniques for scientific evaluation and treatment of the physical functioning of individuals with impaired motor functions due to illness, old age or other causes. In addition to further enhancing education in areas such as locomotive disorders and central nervous system disorders, the Course of Physical Therapy provides a well-designed curriculum that meets today's needs from acute care to community care, to help students develop highly specialized skills needed to be a physical therapist.

Characteristic Subjects

Physical Therapy Evaluation
(Integrated Practice)

Physical Therapy Evaluation (Integrated Practice)

With the cooperation of people with disabilities and older adults in the community, students will experience practical physical therapy evaluation and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary to become a physical therapist.


Kinesiology (Practice)

In this subject, students will learn motion analysis, which is a very important technique in physical therapy, while experiencing the joy of objectively observing the movement of patients using various equipment.

Sports Coaching for the Disabled

Sports Coaching for the Disabled

Students will learn about sports activities of disabled people, deepen their understanding of disabled people, and learn to recognize sports as a tool of life support while engaging in practical training.