

  • 講演会情報

【講演会(なかもず)】Prof. Matthew J. Fuchter


場所:大阪公立大学 中百舌鳥キャンパス A13棟講義室B(A13-323)

講師:Prof. Matthew J. Fuchter (Imperial College London, UK)

演題:Maximising dissymmetry and handling directionality in chiral materials

概要:We have an ongoing interest in the development of conjugated chiral molecules which can emit and detect circularly-polarized light within thin film materials and in organic electronic devices. Using a range of chiral materials – helicenes, fullerenes and polymers – this talk will give an overview of our strategies to maximise the selectivity of such chiral-optical responses through molecular design, materials processing and device architecture.

連絡先: 大阪公立大学理学研究科  神川  憲(内線 4144)