

  • 講演会情報

【講演会(なかもず)】Prof. Hsuan-Hung Liao


場所:大阪公立大学 中百舌鳥キャンパス サイエンスホール

講師:Prof. Hsuan-Hung Liao (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)

演題:Light and nickel- Two useful catalysts in organic radical chemistry

概要:We utilize light and nickel as thematic elements in developing efficient radical reactions. Light facilitates either an electron or energy transfer process to generate radicals through the aid of an appropriate photocatalyst. Herein, we describe how these two useful themes harnessed undervalued feedstock materials such as thiols, ketones, and furans for the functionalization and preparation of valuable synthetic targets.

連絡先: 大阪公立大学理学研究科  神川  憲(内線 4144)