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日本航空宇宙学会 関西支部 第5回研究分科会開催のご案内


英国Bristol大学のAndrés Marcos氏に(再利用可)垂直離着陸機の研究開発に関する講演をしていただきます。


令和元年度 第5回研究会

日 時: 2020年1月20日(月) 15:00~16:30

会 場: 大阪府立大学大学院 工学研究科 B6棟105教室

〒599-8531 堺市中区学園町1-1

講 演 :「Control advances for launcher and reusable launcher vehicles:

from robust to adaptive」

Aerospace Engineering,Leader of the Technology for Aero Space Control(TASC) group,

Faculty of Engineering,University of Bristol,United Kingdom

Senior Lecturer  Andrés Marcos

講演概要:In this talk we present recent results for launcher vehicles (LV) and reusable launch vehicles (RLV) related to robust control. These developments arise from reconciling the understanding of the physical system and environment with the robust control theoretical knowledge. Three cases are considered: the first one is related to robust thrust vector control (TVC) design for the ascent phase of the European VEGA launcher; the second presents the first instance of the use of load relief and robust wind disturbance designs in the LV/RLV field, and the third case is an application and flight test of the TVC and load relief approaches from the first two cases in DLR’s EAGLE Vertical-TakeOff-and-Landing (VTOL) demonstrator.
The results are part of two PhD activities performed by TASC and ESA-ESTEC in collaboration with, respectively, Avio (Colleferro, Italy) and the German Aerospace Center DLR (Bremen, Germany).

参加費 :無料 どなたでも参加いただけます。