

  • 原著論文
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Development of plasmonic thin-layer chromatography for size-selective and optical-property-dependent separation of quantum dots

"Development of plasmonic thin-layer chromatography for size-selective and optical-property-dependent separation of quantum dots"

Tsukasa Torimoto*, Naoko Yamaguchi, Yui Maeda, Kazutaka Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Kameyama, Tatsuya Nagai, Tatsuya Shoji, Hidemasa Yamane, Hajime Ishihara & Yasuyuki Tsuboi*

NPG Asia Materials, Vol. 14, No. 64 (2022).

DOI: 10.1038/s41427-022-00414-3


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Published: 22 July 2022

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