Message from the President

President image

Since long before the SDGs were set as global goals, Osaka Prefecture University (OPU) and Osaka City University (OCU), the predecessors of Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU), have endorsed and supported interdisciplinary research that contributes to the development of a sustainable society. OMU has decided to set up the SDGs Strategy Council as a central entity inheriting the various efforts made by OPU and OCU and achieve higher goals. Under the initiative of the SDGs Strategy Council, OMU will strategically and efficiently promote the achievement of the SDGs by actively engaging in human resource development, cutting-edge research, and social contribution activities.

Meanwhile, both predecessor universities have published its annual environmental report “University Social Responsibility Report” for years. This unique project led by students will continue to be carried out by OMU. Through such participatory projects, OMU will further raise awareness among all its members and strive to realize a sustainable future in which no one will be left behind.

Masahiro Tatsumisago
Osaka Metropolitan University