

Dean Akihisa Terakita

Dean Akihisa Terakita


Covering essential and diverse natural science fields

Science is a field of study that unravels the mysteries of natural science, including mathematics. The School of Science at Osaka Metropolitan University, which is one of the largest universities in Japan, with an enrollment capacity of 299 students, consists of six departments, namely, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geosciences, and Biological Chemistry, covering essential and diverse fields of natural science. In the School of Science, students are required to conduct their senior project in their fourth year. In the senior project, each student tackles a “mystery that no one else in the world knows the answer to” in his or her research field of interest. When they solve one mystery, another one is waiting for them. The more they solve each mystery, the more they understand and develop their understanding of natural science. Solving one mystery, no matter how small it is, must bring one great joy and a sense of accomplishment (I have felt it). Solving a secret that no one knows the answer to for the first time is one of the most exciting aspects of natural science.

Let’s challenge the world's first with us!

In the School of Science, faculty members who are active at the forefront of their respective fields will educate you and guide your research so that you can tackle the exciting mysteries of natural science. We also have a full range of research institutes and facilities affiliated with the university, such as the 21st Century Science Research Center, the Advanced Mathematical Institute, the Nambu Yoichiro Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, and the Botanical Gardens, providing you with a framework for acquiring advanced knowledge and conducting cutting-edge research. I sometimes hear the misconception that science is not a discipline that is directly useful to us. Applied science is the one that contrasts with natural science. Applied science can be seen as a discipline that takes discoveries made in the natural sciences and turns them into something directly valuable for us. Nevertheless, applied science cannot exist without discoveries and clarifications in natural science and will never develop.
Conversely, natural science can also be greatly advanced through the development of measuring equipment and other instruments made possible by the progress of applied science. In other words, we can say that natural science and applied science are inseparable. Additionally, the logical thinking and problem solving skills acquired in the research process will be indispensable when solving difficulties and problems one will encounter. Thus, it can be said that up to now, studying science and exploring the truth of natural science remains greatly significant.

Let’s challenge “the world’s first” together at the School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University, and unravel the mysteries and wonders of natural science.