Course Information

Course Information

Department of Mathematics

A broader and more systematic study of mathematics, from pure theory to applications

Mathematics is the study of the fundamental principles and properties of numbers, shapes, functions, and so on, elucidated by abstract logical systems. Furthermore, it has a wide range of applications as a tool for describing and analyzing various natural and social phenomena.
The newly established Department of Mathematics at Osaka Metropolitan University, which was formed by the integration of the Department of Mathematics at Osaka City University and the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Osaka Prefecture University, is poised to provide students with a broad and more functional study of mathematics, from algebra, geometry, and analysis, the three pillars of pure mathematics, to applied mathematics such as probability theory, statistics etc.
With a large number of faculty members per student, students can receive direct advice and guidance from many faculty members in an academic environment and also have opportunities for exchange with other fields, universities, and overseas students and researchers.

Course Introduction

Algebra 4: The main interest of the theory of algebraic field extensions is to consider the roots of a polynomial with coefficients in the field. Cubic and quartic equations have a way to find the roots like that of a quadratic equation, but quintic and higher-order equations do not. This is where you will find out why.
General Topology 1: In the first year of the program, the concepts of limit and continuity learned in the high school are described rigorously by using the epsilon-delta definition of limit in Mathematics B. In this course, we will extend them to general metric spaces, and then General Topology 2 deals with more abstract topological spaces.
Partial Differential Equations: Physical phenomena such as heat conduction and waves are described by partial differential equations for derivatives of multivariate functions. In this course, students will learn the theory of Fourier series and Fourier transforms, focusing on these typical equations that appear in mathematical physics.
Mathematical Statistics 1: With the recent development of the information society, the usefulness of data has been increasing. In this course, students will learn statistics, which is a means of handling various types of data in various fields and analyzing data.
Applied Mathematical Science: In the real world, there are various phenomena, such as epidemics of viral infections, which can be described by differential equations. In this course, students will learn how to solve such differential equations numerically and understand the mechanisms of these phenomena.
Exercises: In the Department of Mathematics, each of the main lecture courses up to the third year of the program is accompanied by an exercise. In these exercises, students solve problems related to what they have learned in the lectures and present their solutions, to acquire an advanced understanding of mathematical theory and presentation skills. In the fourth year of the program, students choose a research theme that they will specialize in and pursue in-depth in Undergraduate Research A and B.

Department of Physics

Physics is the study of the universal laws that underlie natural phenomena through systematic observation, experimentation, and theoretical reflection. Advances in physics deeply enrich our perception of nature and lead to innovative technologies. To meet the demands of society for basic research, science, and technology, human resources should be developed with a deep knowledge of physics, the ability to think logically, and a broad understanding of natural science, science, and technology. The Department of Physics fosters human resources who are deeply creative, can contribute to society at large, and can conduct further research in the Master’s course through the cultivation of theoretical and experimental methods for obtaining knowledge from all the phenomena covered by physics, as well as communication skills for accurately conveying the knowledge obtained. We look forward to welcoming you with an enterprising spirit and enthusiasm.

Curriculum Features of the Department of Physics

Physics is the most fundamental study in the natural sciences. In the future, it will be indispensable for work in physics and related fields such as engineering, chemistry, biology, and earth science, as well as information science. In the Department of Physics, students learn the basics of physics, whereas full-fledged studies of specialized fields are mainly conducted in the Graduate School of Physics.
In the first 3 years, students learn the fundamentals of natural science in a wide range of fields, as well as the fundamentals of modern physics, such as mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and physical mathematics, through a curriculum that combines lectures, exercises, experiments, and computer practice to provide a deeper understanding. Additionally, students select and take courses in several specialized fields to connect to graduation research.
In the fourth year, students are assigned to one of 24 laboratories in three courses to conduct graduation research and tackle unresolved problems practically. Students also learn how to conduct and present their research.

Department of Chemistry

Chemistry is a discipline that contributes to the creation of a prosperous future society by pursuing the principles of structure, function, and physical properties of matter and creating new materials. Chemistry is not limited to chemical phenomena that exist in nature. Various research is being conducted to design and synthesize chemical substances (molecules) with new functions that do not exist in nature. Nevertheless, only a small percentage of chemical phenomena important to life, such as chemical reactions in living organisms and the function of enzymes, have been elucidated.
Many research topics in chemistry are important and interesting to humans. By studying chemistry, we can always be involved in the microscopic world of electrons, atoms, and molecules, which can never be seen by the naked eye. Today, it is possible to theoretically predict the structure and properties of unknown molecules based on “quantum mechanical laws.” Modern chemistry is in the midst of a renaissance and is facing a time of significant change for the next generation.

Curriculum Features of the Department of Chemistry

In the Department of Chemistry, students are required to complete primary education courses (common to the entire university) and foreign language courses within the designated year.

Experimental Subjects:

The Department of Chemistry emphasizes experimentation; in the second year, basic chemistry experiments are required as a primary education subject, and in the third year, chemistry experiments 1 and 2 are compulsory. Through these experiments, students will learn to plan experiments, solve problems, and discuss and report the results. The purpose of the chemistry experiments is to acquire knowledge about the safety of chemicals and safe experimental methods.

Senior thesis:

In the fourth year, students are assigned to research laboratories to directly engage in cutting-edge chemical research. In addition to research, students enhance their basic knowledge, background, and humanity as chemical experts through self-improvement in seminars and other activities. Moreover, students are required to write and present a graduation thesis.

Teaching Subjects:

Students who graduate from the Department of Chemistry are qualified to take the examination for the Junior High School and High School Teacher’s License (Science). The timetable is designed to allow students to take teaching courses.

Department of Biology

The ever-evolving field of modern biology is full of opportunities for significant discoveries.
Biology is a rapidly evolving discipline. The goal of our department is to bring together faculty and students to make “discoveries” in biology. The “problem solving skills” that are cultivated in the process of discovery will become an asset for each student, not only in biology but also in solving all kinds of problems. Our department conducts cutting-edge research in a wide range of fields, from molecular function and biophysics for biomolecules to molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, and physiology for cells and organs, as well as ecology and evolutionary biology for individuals and populations. To acquire more advanced knowledge and skills, students are recommended to enter the Master’s course. Additionally, the department trains students to be active in government offices, educational institutions, and private companies in various industries, including food and beverage, pharmaceutics and medicine, chemical production, cosmetics and household goods, information processing, education, and publishing.

Course Introduction

Trends in Biology: In this course, students will learn about various biological fields from the molecular and cellular levels to the individual and global levels. On the basis of the advanced knowledge learned in the class, students will also learn to consider and express life phenomena logically.
Cell Biology: This course focuses on the cell, the basic unit of living organisms, and provides an in-depth study of life phenomena at the cellular level. This course provides students with the latest information on cellular functions caused by the interaction of proteins, the movement of substances and the transmission of information across cell membranes, and the mechanisms of cell movement.
Plant Physiology: Plants, which cannot move freely like animals, have mechanisms to survive in response to changes in the surrounding environment. In this class, students will learn how plants respond to and adapt to their environment throughout their lives.
Animal Ecology: In this course, students will systematically learn about the relationships among various animals and their evolutionary paths. Students will also learn how organisms adapt to their surroundings and how they live in relationship with each other, as well as animal ecology and its evolution.
Biology Experiment: In the third year of the program, students develop insight into a wide variety of biological phenomena by working on experimental themes provided by mentors in each specialized field. Students become familiar with various biological materials, acquire the technical skills and techniques required for experimentation and observation, and learn biological theory from actual materials and phenomena.
Senior thesis: This is the culmination of 4 years of specialized education in biology. Students use the logic, knowledge, and techniques they have learned to conduct research on a given topic on their own and present their findings.

Department of Geosciences

Educational principles of the Department of Geosciences

The global environment is facing great crises. Accurate knowledge and understanding of the earth are essential in order to make clear the true nature of these crises and find appropriate solution strategies. Education and research in the fields of Geosciences elucidate the history, essence, and future of the earth, and are conducted in new interdisciplinary fields supporting the future of the global environment incorporating these aspects, in turn nurturing personnel who can contribute extensively to society. The aim is to nurture personnel who have broad outlooks and views while pursuing and developing the fields of Geosciences as specialists.

(Educational objectives)

In the Master’s Course, we nurture researchers and advanced specialist professionals who have sharp critical minds and problem-solving abilities and can develop Geosciences. We nurture personnel who can be active centered around education/research/development at junior and senior high schools, government offices, and local public bodies and private enterprises.
In the Doctoral Course, we nurture researchers and advanced specialist professionals who can go out into the world to lead the way in promoting cutting-edge research tasks in Geosciences. We nurture personnel who can be internationally active as researchers leading foundation and applied research at universities, national and public institutions, private research institutes, and in companies’ research and development.

Courses & Research groups

Environmental Geosciences
  • Quaternary Research
  • Geophysics
  • Geoinformatics
  • Natural Hazards Geoscience


Earth Evolution Sciences
  • Mineralogy
  • Petrology
  • Geohistory


Department of Biological Chemistry

Various biomolecules are highly organized to form a wide variety of cells, and these cells communicate with each other to develop biological systems. In biological chemistry, we pursue these mechanisms from a molecular perspective. By analyzing living organisms at the molecular level, we aim to elucidate life phenomena and develop useful substances (new enzymes and drugs). We will conduct academic research to learn about biomolecules, utilize them, and create molecules that surpass them. Additionally, students will study research topics deeply related to human health, such as the effects of radiation and environmental pollutants on living organisms, cancer, regenerative medicine, hormones, and the nervous system. Using the specialized knowledge acquired, students aim to play an active role in primary research fields such as the elucidation of human disease mechanisms, establishing disease prevention methods, and drug discovery in the future.

Course Introduction

In the Department of Biological Chemistry, students learn the fundamentals of biological mechanisms and drug discovery science from multiple perspectives, including cell biology, which elucidates the mechanisms of life and investigates the causes of disease; bioorganic chemistry, which elucidates the functions of biomolecules and drugs; and structural biology, which understands biomolecular structures.


This course is designed to cultivate the chemical basis for understanding the mechanisms and principles of life. Students learn about the functions and structures of the chemical substances that make up living organisms and the mechanisms by which these functions are created, as they relate to the maintenance and control of biological functions.

Introduction to Chemical Biology

Students learn about the academic field of chemical biology, which is a fusion of chemistry and life science that applies chemical methods and technologies to elucidate life phenomena. The objective of this course is to understand the outline of molecular targeted drugs and other drugs that have been developed through chemical biology research.

Essential Organic Chemistry

Life phenomena are an accumulation of chemical reactions, and an understanding of chemical reactions is necessary to understand life phenomena. In this course, students learn the fundamentals of organic chemistry necessary to understand life phenomena.


This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of diseases caused by abnormalities in cellular functions from the perspectives of molecular cell biology and chemistry.

Senior thesis

In each laboratory, students conduct research projects in the specialized fields of the faculty member in charge. The goal is to acquire basic research skills and problem solving abilities. They also aim to develop presentation and communication skills through research presentations, thesis writing, and conference presentations.