Course Information

Course Information

Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science

To the cutting edge of modern mathematics and the forefront of mathematical science

After you have studied mathematics for 4 years as an undergraduate, you must have realized that you are just at the beginning of the endlessly wide world of mathematics. By continuing your studies in the Master’s course for another 2 years, you will be able to come into contact with the latest research. You will get many opportunities to read and understand the latest research papers, develop your mathematical theories, and present your research results not only in Japan, but also abroad.
Students familiar with highly abstract thought will be able to see firsthand how it leads to the elucidation of the essential structure of things and how it is valuable and alive in modern society.
If you wish to continue your research in mathematics after earning your Master’s degree, you can study in a 3-year Ph. D. program.

Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science

The graduate course provides education and research in a wide range of physics, including fundamental physics, astrophysics and high energy physics, and condensed matter physics, intending to acquire in-depth specialized knowledge in physics and cultivate the ability to think logically and meticulously. The department fosters human resources who can respond to the advancement and development of physics and contribute to society through the development of advanced science and technology with a spirit of independent inquiry, high academic knowledge, creativity, and a sense of ethics.

Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science

Currently, advanced academic fields are becoming borderless, and new fields are emerging. In materials science and chemistry, the sophistication of the content and the development of borderline areas are becoming more and more remarkable. In response to these rapid qualitative changes, our department integrates the traditional fields of materials science and chemistry.

Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science

Exploring the nature of life and evolution, how life was created and evolved
Life on Earth originated from a single ancestor and has diversified through repeated evolution. Today, animals, plants, microorganisms, and other diverse organisms interact to create ecosystems. Biology is a discipline that analyzes these organisms broadly, from molecules and cells to ecosystems. It explores the nature of biological evolution and diversity and the universality of life phenomena. In today’s rapidly developing society, there are various problems related to living organisms, and there is a need for people who can correctly understand and solve these problems.
In this graduate course, approximately 30 full-time faculty members provide advanced research guidance to approximately 30 students in the first year of the Master’s course. With a small number of students per faculty member, students can receive thorough guidance. The department fosters outstanding human resources with deep knowledge and the ability to think logically who can play an active role in the research and development departments of universities, public research institutions, and companies. We will also develop human resources who will play an important role in the next generation of Japanese and international society.

Department of Geosciences

Educational principles of the Department of Geosciences

The global environment is facing great crises. Accurate knowledge and understanding of the earth are essential in order to make clear the true nature of these crises and find appropriate solution strategies. Education and research in the fields of Geosciences elucidate the history, essence, and future of the earth, and are conducted in new interdisciplinary fields supporting the future of the global environment incorporating these aspects, in turn nurturing personnel who can contribute extensively to society. The aim is to nurture personnel who have broad outlooks and views while pursuing and developing the fields of Geosciences as specialists.

(Educational objectives)

In the Master’s Course, we nurture researchers and advanced specialist professionals who have sharp critical minds and problem-solving abilities and can develop Geosciences. We nurture personnel who can be active centered around education/research/development at junior and senior high schools, government offices, and local public bodies and private enterprises.
In the Doctoral Course, we nurture researchers and advanced specialist professionals who can go out into the world to lead the way in promoting cutting-edge research tasks in Geosciences. We nurture personnel who can be internationally active as researchers leading foundation and applied research at universities, national and public institutions, private research institutes, and in companies’ research and development.

Courses & Research groups

Environmental Geosciences
  • Quaternary Research
  • Geophysics
  • Geoinformatics
  • Natural Hazards Geoscience


Earth Evolution Sciences
  • Mineralogy
  • Petrology
  • Geohistory


Department of Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Science

The graduate course conducts education and research in interdisciplinary fields related to life sciences, including drug discovery science, focusing on biomolecular science and molecular and cellular biology. The goal is to acquire specialized knowledge in biochemistry, molecular biology, cellular biochemistry, biotechnology, and chemical biology, as well as the ability to think logically and broad education in the molecular understanding and application of biological systems created by cells that are sophisticated organizations of biomolecules. The program also aims to develop human resources who can contribute and play an active role in the development and research of science and technology on a global scale.