Faculty Members / Research Themes

Faculty Research Themes
Abe Masaki Empirical research on the law implementation process, social theory of law
Yasutake Takahiko Comparative research on Edo law and Osaka law in the modern era, criminal law and criminal proceedings in the beginning of the Meiji period
Katsuta Takuya Jury system, American constitutional history, and judicial system
Moriya Kenichi History of German Law and Legal Theory
Wang Chen Comparative research on civil law, general Chinese law
Mizutori Yoshinobu Right of asylum, right to respect normal family life
Takata Michiko Judicial Review of Administrative Discretion, Legitimacy of Judicial Review
Kitamura Yukiya General theory and methodology of positive law
Sato Yuko Theory of Administrative Act in Japan and Germany
Sakai Takako Corporate attributes, comparative analysis of General Anti-Avoidance Rules
Nakai Aiko Researches on international law making, regional integration of law and relationship between international and national law.
Mishima Satoshi Police transparency and deliberations at mixed jury trials
Kanazawa Mari Research on criminal attempt, especially voluntary abandonment and withdrawal or renunciation of attempt; comparative research on societal treatment systems for ex-offender rehabilitation
Tokunaga Hajime Theory of Criminal Responsibility or Liability
Matsukura Haruyo Right of silence, privilege against self-incrimination
Nemoto Itaru Research on labor contract laws in Japan and Germany
Kawamura Takanori Research on the state and corporate pension fund management
Moriyama Hiroe Contract law and family law
Sugimoto Takahisa Historical research on contract law systems in Japan, Germany, and France
Sakaguchi Kou Comparative research on remedies for non-performance under Japanese and German contract law
Fujii Narunobu Comparative research of contract law; focused on laws of civil law countries, common law countries, and international conventions or principles of international commercial contracts
Yoshihara Satoshi Research on law of property, especially condominium, joint ownership, organization
Takahashi Eiji Comparative research on corporate law in Japan and Germany, history of acceptance of German commercial law, comparative research on corporate governance
Kogaki Noritake Audit and disclosure system in corporate governance
Naka Takuma Family Business and Corporate Law, Securities Regulation
Tsuruta Shigeru Research on multi-party litigation in civil litigation, litigation conduct rights, and legal force of decisions
Okanari Genta Comparative Research on Civil Procedure
Nagami Mizuki History of Western Political Thought, Political Theory
Hieda Takeshi Political economy and social policies in advanced democratic countries
Ubano Akiko History of political thought in the Renaissance and early modern Europe
Noda Shogo Political system of postwar Germany, European comparative politics
Nagai Fumio International relations and comparative politics in Southeast Asia, local governance in Southeast Asian countries
Tezuka Yosuke Government and administration analysis regarding fault and blame, research on the history of postwar administration