Report of Oversea Clerkship Program in Osaka City University

Medical Elective Report

Anne Lee
4th year Medical Student


United Kingdom
University of Sheffield
Elective period
20th May 2024 – 14th June 2024



Japan is a country that has one of the highest numbers of CT and MRI installations per capita in the world, which is why I chose to spend the first 2 weeks of my elective on the Radiology department at Osaka Metropolitan University Hospital. While I was on this elective, I was impressed by how radiology was widely used in the hospital setting, including diagnostic radiology, therapeutic radiology and interventional radiology. These different fields of radiology were introduced and taught to us in lessons, which greatly broadened my knowledge and perspective on radiology.

This placement consisted of lectures and tutorials on the different types of radio-imaging and how to read scans. During the lessons, the doctors kindly translated the terms that I could not understand, which aided my learning greatly. In addition, I was placed with a group of 5th year medical students from the university, who were great companions during lessons and after classes.

The hands-on tutorials were also very engaging and enjoyable to participate in. In particular, I remember attempting to insert an endovascular coil during a simulation session, which was also used for training for interventional radiology and vascular surgery.

We also attended the weekly radiology conference, which was an MDT meeting about patients who had been treated. This allowed the radiologists to see the outcomes of the patients who had been scanned in the department. I found that these conferences were beneficial for learning as the patients’ scans and outcomes are mapped out, which allows doctors and students to test themselves on the correct diagnosis and treatment based on the patients’ imaging.

Ear, Nose, Throat

The next 2 weeks of my elective was spent on the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department as I am interested in this speciality. The placement was a mix of lessons, clinics and surgical shadowing experiences, and I was also together with another group of 5th year medical students from Osaka Metropolitan University.

There were many varied presentations during the clinics and surgeries that I observed, and the doctors took the time to teach us more about each condition that we saw. In particular, we observed a parathyroidectomy surgery, and the surgeons were kindly explaining the anatomy and surgical process throughout the surgery.

In addition, we had simulation sessions in ENT, which included the usage of the otoscope to identify diseased ear canals. This particular simulation session was useful as it allowed for hands-on experience of identifying different conditions through the otoscope.

I thoroughly enjoyed my placement on radiology and ENT departments and am grateful to the doctors and medical students for being so welcoming towards me.


During my elective, I was kindly invited to have dinner with the International Students’ Association of OMU (ISAO) members. This society was made by the medical students of OMU to facilitate meetings with the international doctors and medical students. The ISAO members were very friendly and hospitable, and we had a great time exchanging cultures and ideas over dinner. It was interesting to see the different experiences the members had and I was delighted to make more friends in Japan.

All in all, I had a great time on this medical elective as I learnt much from the doctors and students on my placements. I was also touched by the hospitality and warmth that I experienced from everyone in Osaka. I am thankful that I could meet many new friends through this elective and I hope to see them again soon.