

In today's globalized, flattened, and diversified society, the purpose of research and technological development is increasingly recognized as being based on an awareness of the importance of the well-being of individuals in all their diversity. In such an environment, the outcomes and innovations we produce through our research must be sustainable and resilient, and they must be used to bring such diversity of well-being to people around the world.

To meet these changes in social needs, the Center for Advanced Education in Entrepreneurship and Innovation offers educational curricula and programs aimed at cultivating advanced research professionals who create innovation and possess not only originality, outstanding expertise, and the ability to conduct research, but also a strong desire to create value, as well as transferable skills (team management skills, leadership skills, excellent international sensibility, and the ability to understand different fields).

First is the Technology-based Entrepreneurship Course (TEC) curriculum of graduate school common courses. To strengthen corporate partnerships, we also offer “Research Internships,” “Interactive Matching,” and “Student-Company Exchange Meeting.” For undergraduate students our lectures support them in building their own career views, and our seminar courses foster cross-cultural understanding and an entrepreneurial mindset with overseas partner universities.

Second is the Fledge Program that fosters global entrepreneurs and is open to students and members of the general public. The program includes lectures and seminars to learn about entrepreneurship, short-term programs in collaboration with startup companies, local companies, financial institutions, incubation facilities, and others, and events such as business idea contests, as well as overseas training and online programs in places like the United States, Cambodia, Thailand, and Taiwan.

Third is the Program for Leading Graduate Schools (Graduate Course for System-inspired Leaders in Multidisciplinary Science), a five-year integrated master's and doctoral degree program that fosters research leaders who are globally active across disciplinary boundaries. All of the programs provide experienced mentors from several enterprises who offer thoughtful guidance to students, as well as useful information to help them develop their future.

For more information, please refer to the each program website.


message01The Center for Advanced Education in Entrepreneurship and Innovation mission is to provide the world with professionals who can create a sustainable future society.

We are well on our way to becoming a 21st-century knowledge-based society, one in which globalization is rapidly advancing, competition and technological innovation are constantly emerging, and old paradigms are undergoing major transformation. Humanity must direct its wisdom toward building an ideal social system in which everyone, regardless of country, region, gender, or age, can participate equally, and sustainable development is assured. Times like these demand that university education cultivate professionals who are responsive to the changes in new social and industrial systems. That is, we are expected to go beyond the search for truth and the teaching and research of academic disciplines, to also educate and produce professionals who contribute to the creation of new knowledge and value in society, who combine exceptional expertise with qualities like originality, free thought, bold spirit, an ability to identify research needs, research management skills, communication skills, and leadership that rallies people.

Since its creation in 2008, as the former Industry-University Cooperative Center of Advanced Education, the Center for Advanced Education in Entrepreneurship and Innovation has resisted the notion that only university faculty should educate students by working closely with industry, government organizations, NPOs, overseas universities, and overseas institutions to build and operate various professional training programs to develop young researchers and postdoctoral fellows able to serve as community and industry leaders. In recent years, we have expanded these programs to include all graduate students, including master's degree students, as well as undergraduate students in our schools and colleges. Additionally, the Fledge Program, which aims to develop professionals capable of innovating with a global perspective, offers a variety of lectures and seminars not only to the undergraduate and graduate students at our university, but also to students and graduates of other universities, as well as members of the general public.

Today, nearly 15 years since its creation, the Center for Advanced Education in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is not just an organization responsible for the education of students, but also positioned as the hub for an innovation ecosystem that maintains partnerships with numerous domestic and overseas universities, corporations, financial institutions, public organizations, NPOs, and local governments, playing a key role in our university’s Innovation Academy design. We hope that you will use our website to learn more about the diverse curriculum, educational programs, and events that we offer. Please do not hesitate to contact us at the Center if you are interested in our programs, whether you are a student here, a student at another university, a graduate, a businessperson, or a member of the general public.

Let's work together to create new value that society has never before experienced and build the future society of our dreams.

Program Support Members


Professor Toshiyuki MATSUI, Ph.D.  


Professor Yoshiya TANIGUCHI, Ph.D.

Center Staff

Professor Atsushi ASHIDA, Ph.D.

Professor Takaaki SHIGEMATSU, Ph.D.

Professor Eiji KAWANO, Ph.D.

Professor Yong-Gu SHIM, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Hideki ICHIDA, Ph.D.

Specially Appointed Professor Tadashi HIROSE

Specially Appointed Professor Tetsuo KAWAKITA, Ph.D.

Specially Appointed Lecturer Hiromi YAMADA

Specially Appointed Research Associate Sunyoung LIM

Project Coordinator Masataka HAMADA

Project Coordinator Yutaka TATSUMI

Project Coordinator Akinobu MATSUYAMA, Ph.D.

Office Staff


Yukiko TAMURA