Industry-University Collaboration


In contrast to a short-term job fair, the research internship provides a mid-to-long-term experience in a corporate research setting.

The research internship is an opportunity not only to learn about the nature of research in a company and the necessity and importance of technology management, but also to acquire workforce skills and consider the possibility of a career path beyond one’s field of expertise.

The Center for Advanced Education in Entrepreneurship and Innovation arranges for companies to accept research internship applicants (including those who wish to take Technology-based Entrepreneurship Course 3 [TEC-3]).

The Center coordinates the intake of students at companies that are members of the Collaborative Education for Next-Generation INnovators & Exploration of knowledge intersections (C-ENGINE) and the Coop-J consortium, as well as at companies that are not members of these organizations, if the student so desires.

Collaborative Education for Next-Generation INnovators & Exploration of knowledge intersections (C-ENGINE)

Mid-to-long-term research internships for master’s students, doctoral students, and postdocs

C-ENGINE was established in 2014 by leading Japanese universities and global companies with the support from the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) with the aim of promoting and facilitating research internships to foster innovation professionals.

Currently, member institutions include 17 universities and 30 companies, with the IDM system used to match companies and students appropriately. Member companies’ internship areas of interest can be viewed on the website. Those who wish to do a research internship at a member company (including those who wish to take TEC3) must register with the IDM system.


Cooperative Education through Research Internships

Paid internships of two or more months for doctoral students

The Coop-J consortium was established by a joint committee of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Keidanren (Japan Business Federation) in 2021 for the purpose of “cooperation between industry and universities in providing a graduate-level education that fosters the practical, research-based skills needed to ensure international competitiveness.”

Currently, member institutions include 51 universities and 48 companies, with the system used to match companies and students appropriately. Once registered in the system, job descriptions (job responsibilities, required knowledge and abilities, etc.) can be viewed. Because it is a paid research internship, an employment contract is signed between the company and the student.

For a research internship with a member company, students are required to take Technology-based Entrepreneurship Course 3 (TEC-3).


Interactive Matching

Osaka Metropolitan University launched interactive matching in 2008.
Co-organized with the University of Hyogo since 2012, it promotes exchange with companies through oral presentations and poster sessions.

Interactive matching is an opportunity for doctoral students and postdocs to explain their research, including perspectives on industrial applications, to people (business people) in different fields of expertise, while also promoting themselves as research professionals.

This opportunity can be used to cultivate communication skills with professionals in different fields and may lead to internships at companies, visits to company laboratories, joint research, etc.

Exchange Events

Student-Company Exchange Meeting and Company Tours

Social events and tours with member companies have been held in collaboration with the Collaborative Education for Next-Generation INnovators & Exploration of knowledge intersections (C-ENGINE) since 2017. These are open to master’s students, doctoral students, and postdocs.

■ The social events bring graduate students and postdocs together with companies to provide information on companies through corporate presentations, information exchange, conversations, and so on, and enable them to explore companies where they may wish to intern and better plan their future career.

■ Company tours involve visits to the laboratories of C-ENGINE member companies. They show how research is conducted in a company’s laboratories and provide the chance to meet with company researchers to learn about the actual research conditions at the company. They can lead to research internships, if there is interest.