

大阪市立大学数学研究所(OCAMI) での事業の一環として、 (幾何解析、トポロジー、代数幾何、数理物理、可積分系、情報数理などにも関わる広い意味の)微分幾何学のセミナーを推進します。

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大仁田 義裕 06-6605-2617 ohnita [at] omu.ac.jp
田丸 博士 06-6605-2615 tamaru [at] omu.ac.jp
加藤 信 06-6605-2616 shinkato [at] omu.ac.jp
小池 貴之 tkoike [at] omu.ac.jp
橋本 義規 yhashimoto [at] omu.ac.jp
田中 潮 utanaka [at] omu.ac.jp
橋本 要 h-kaname [at] sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp


日時 2023年2月20日(月)15:30-17:00(日本時間)
講演者(所属) 大野 高志 (大阪大学)
タイトル Deformations of holomorphic-Higgs pair
場所 小講究室 B
アブストラクト Let X be a complex manifold and (E,\theta) be a Higgs bundle over X. We study the deformation of holomorphic-Higgs pair (X,E,\theta). We introduce the differential graded Lie algebra (DGLA) which comes from the deformation. We derive the Maurer-Cartan equation which governs the deformation of the holomorphic-Higgs pair, construct the Kuranishi family of it, and prove its local completeness.
本講演は「OCAMI 複素解析セミナー」との共同開催です.
日時 2023年1月6日(金)16:30-17:15(日本時間)
講演者(所属) 橋本 義規 (大阪公立大学)
タイトル Uniform Hörmander estimates for flat nontrivial line bundles
場所 中講究室
アブストラクト Hörmander’s L^2-estimates for the dbar operators on holomorphic line bundles are of fundamental importance in complex analytic geometry, whose conventional proof relies on the positivity of the line bundle. In this talk, we prove the L^2-estimates for the solutions to the dbar equation that hold uniformly for all flat nontrivial line bundles on compact Kähler manifolds, whose main feature is the quantitative description of the blow-up behaviour as the line bundle approaches the trivial one. A key ingredient in the proof is the observation that flat line bundles are topologically trivial and can be identified with the trivial bundle with the "perturbed" dbar operator which we define in terms of coordinates on the Picard variety. This is a joint work with Takayuki Koike.
日時 2023年1月6日(金)15:30-16:15(日本時間)
講演者(所属) 田中 潮 (大阪公立大学)
タイトル An isoperimetric inequality, an expansion coefficient and a lower bound for the Cheeger constant of a metric measure space
場所 中講究室
アブストラクト The present study is intended to demonstrate an isoperimetric inequality in terms of Ledoux's expansion coefficient on a metric measure space with a certain functional inequality; the Ledoux's expansion coefficient gives rise to an exponential concentration. The result enables us to bound the Cheeger constant of the metric measure space from below in terms of the constant attributed to the functional inequality.
日時 2022年11月4日(金)10:00-11:00(日本時間)
講演者(所属) Agustin Moreno (Heidelberg University / Institute for Advanced Study)
タイトル Symplectic methods in the restricted three-body problem and applications
場所 Zoomを用いたオンライン開催
アブストラクト In this talk, I will discuss the well-known restricted three-body problem from the perspective of modern symplectic geometry, as well as applications to the numerical search of orbits within the context of space mission design.

最終更新日: 2022年12月11日