OMU News
Jul 12, 2022
OMU international students experienced Zen meditation with local elementary school children in Misaki Town
On Friday, June 24, 2022, four international students visited Tanagawa Elementary School in Misaki Town. The international students and school children met with the children online in May, and they enjoyed face-to-face interaction this time. After introducing themselves and playing dodgeball, they visited the historic Kozenji Temple, which was founded in 852. At Kozenji, they participated in Zen meditation and learned about the history and culture of the local community. Although it was a short visit, the exchange was meaningful for the international students, who experienced the culture and natural beauty of Misaki Town with children.
This program is a part of the collaboration project between Osaka Metropolitan University and Misaki Town local government. Over the past ten years, various exchange programs have been conducted by the former Osaka Prefecture University international students and local residents of Misaki Town.
This academic year, with the aim of creating a long-lasting educational connection, the program has planned multiple opportunities for OMU international students to interact with students of Tanagawa Elementary School.
Self-introduction at the gym
Zen meditation at Kozenji Temple
Praying at Kishibojin-do Hall of Kozenji Temple
International Students by the ocean at the Nagamatsu Coast
Original Japanese Article
International Relations Division