
All application procedures for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho:MEXT) Scholarships

Please visit MEXT Scholarship Students

Graduate Programs Taught in Japanese or English

Graduate School of Agriculture

Prospective Students

Graduate School of Engineering

Prospective Students

Graduate School of Human Life and Ecology

Prospective Students

Graduate School of Medicine

Prospective Students

Graduate School of Science

International Course

Graduate School of Sustainable System Sciences

Prospective Students

Graduate School of Veterinary Science

Prospective Students

Graduate Programs Taught in Japanese

All courses are taught in Japanese. No English-taught courses are available. For details of the Japanese language requirements, please visit the Japanese Admission page.

Graduate School of Business
Graduate School of Economics
Graduate School of Informatics [Exclusively graduate studies]
Graduate School of Law
Law School
Graduate School of Literature and Human Sciences
Graduate School of Nursing
Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science
Graduate School of Urban Management