Welcome Message

The department of Neurosurgery at OCU was founded in the year 1968 and was first led by Prof. Nishimura. Since its establishment, our department has been one of the leading institutions in the field of Neurosurgery. Our department offers expertise on the various field of neurosurgery ranging from brain tumors, spinal surgery, epilepsy surgery, endoscopic surgery, endovascular surgery, stereotactic radiotherapy and especially on skull base surgery. The concept of skull base surgery is to approach the deep-seated brain tumor from the base of the skull. With the various advancement in skull base surgery, the surgical outcome of deep-seated brain tumor has dramatically improved. The transpetrosal approach in skull base surgery was introduced by Prof. Hakuba, one of our most valuable assets, which is now applied in many institutions worldwide.
The number of surgical cases is approximately 500 per year. Based on these numerous experiences, we have developed various innovative methods and techniques of surgery and have been able to familiarize these approaches worldwide.
The faculty and staff of our department are a group of immensely talented and dedicated individuals each striving to provide the best medical care to the patient. Our goal is to deliver excellent patient care, provide a wide educational base for the trainees and to advance in our field through high impact research.
We take full responsibility in training the next generation of neurosurgical leaders. Our educational mission includes training medical students, neurosurgical residents, post-graduate students and clinical fellowship trainees. Keeping globalization in mind, the daily conferences are conducted in English and we have been attracting many foreign students.
Our past has etched a benchmark in the history of skull base surgery, in the present we are constantly marching forward to improve and develop new therapies for neurologic diseases and sky is the limit for our future achievements.
Takeo Goto, M.D., Ph.D.