Financial Aid and Scholarships

Scholarships for Privately Financed International Students

Before enrollment: Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) reservation program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship

Please go to the following websites and complete the procedures yourself.

Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship (for students who achieve a high score on the EJU)

Note: Please submit your Reservation Notification to the Student Affairs Division immediately after enrollment.

Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship (by pre-arrival admission)

Note: Only students using the Pre-Arrival Admission System can apply through this system. The Pre-Arrival Admission System is a program through which international students can apply directly for admission from overseas, with candidates being selected and their admission approved without them ever having to come to Japan before enrollment. At Osaka Metropolitan University, this is only applicable to the graduate school reservation system. Prospective applicants should contact the Student Affairs Division via their supervisor.

After enrolment: Scholarships offered by private foundations

Some of these scholarships are given by university recommendation, and others by direct application.
University recommendations are submitted by the university in accordance with the guidelines of the organization concerned. Among prospective applicants, Osaka Metropolitan University recommends candidates who meet the application conditions for application in order of priority based on the university’s selection criteria. University recommendations can be applied for after enrollment.
Direct applications can be made by individuals directly without going through the university.
Notifications from scholarship foundations to the university are published on the OMU UNIPA portal, which is updated as required, and individual students are asked to check this for themselves. (The OMU UNIPA portal can be viewed after enrollment.)

List of Private Scholarship Foundations Accepting University Recommendations

Scholarships offered and eligibility guidelines vary from year to year.

Name of Scholarship Monthly Stipend(Yen) Duration Studetnt Category
(As of the start of payment)
Application period
Fujii International Scholarship ¥50,000 U: Max 3 years
M: Max 2 years
D: Max 3 years
Jun-Jul of previous fiscal year
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation U: ¥100,000
M: ¥140,000
D: ¥140,000
Max 2 years U(3-4)
Aug-Sep of previous fiscal year
Heiwa Nakajima Foundation U: ¥120,000
M: ¥150,000
D: ¥150,000
1 year U
Sep-Oct of previous fiscal year
Dai-yu-kyo foundation ¥50,000 Minimum years of study U(2) Oct of previous fiscal year
Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Foundation ¥2,000,000 or ¥5,000,000
or ¥1,000,000/year
1 year M
Oct of previous fiscal year
Kawashima Shoji Memorial Scholarship Fund ¥120,000 2 years U(3-4)
Oct-Nov of previous fiscal year
Kyoritsu International Foundation U: ¥60,000 or ¥100,000
M: ¥100,000
D: ¥100,000
1 year U
Nov-Dec of previous fiscal year
Sakai Ooizumi Rotary Club ¥50,000 1 year U
Nov-Dec of previous fiscal year
Yasuda Scholarship Foundation ¥100,000 Max 3 years U(2) Dec of previous fiscal year
Kato Asao International Scholarship Foundation M: ¥130,000
D: ¥150,000
2 years M
Dec-Feb of previous fiscal year
Ichikawa International Scholarship Foundation U: ¥120,000
M: ¥150,000
D: ¥150,000
1 year or Max 2 years U
Jan of previous fiscal year
Fuji Seal Foundation ¥100,000 Max 2 years U(3) Feb-Mar of previous fiscal year
SGH Foundation U: ¥120,000
M: ¥120,000
D: ¥180,000
Max 2 years U(3)
Feb-Mar of previous fiscal year
Takizaki Memorial Asian Student Scholarship ¥50,000 Minimum years of study U(1)
Mar-Apr of previous fiscal year
Nishimura Scholarship Foundation ¥130,000 U: Max 2 years
M: Max 2 years
D: Max 3 years
Korean Scholarship Foundation U: ¥25,000
M: ¥40,000
D: ¥70,000
1 year U
Yamamoto Takeo Memorial Scholarship ¥30,000 Minimum years of study U Apr
Ninety-nine Asian Students Scholarship Foundation ¥50,000 U: Max 4 years
M: Max 2 years
D: Max 3 years
Nikki Saneyoshi Scholarship Foundation ¥300,000/year lump-sum remittance U
Japan Educational Exchanges and Services
JEES・Toyota Tsusho Scholarship ¥100,000 Max 2 years U(3)
Oct-Nov of previous fiscal year
JEES・Docomo International Student Scholarship ¥120,000 Max 2 years M(1) Apr
JEES International Students Scholarship
¥40,000 Max 2 years U(2-4)
JEES International Students Scholarship
(Countries with few students studying 
in Japan)
¥50,000 Max 2 years U
JEES International Students Scholarship
(Japanese language learning)
¥50,000 Max 2 years U

U: Undergraduate Students  M: Master's Program Students  D: Doctor's Program Students 
Students can check the list of past scholarship applications through 学生Navi (on-campus only).

留学生の学生生活・経済支援制度 奨学金のページ(学生Navi)

After enrollment: Osaka Metropolitan University Research Project Scholarship
Research scholarships are provided as part of our university’s unique system, in order to encourage students to pursue a doctoral degree and to advance and revitalize the university’s research activities. 

1. Eligibility for application Those who meet the following requirements are eligible for application. (Except for students who are taking a leave of absence.)
 (1) Doctoral students affiliated with Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka Prefecture University or
       Osaka City University
 (2) Students within the standard years of study (excluding periods of leave of absence).
       Those who fall under the Long-term Study Program and are still within the term limit of study allowed
       by the Program. 
 (3) The Graduate School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Rehabilitation Science have eligibility
       requirements and additional documentation as determined by the Graduate School.

     *The following persons are ineligible to apply
       (1) Students who have exceeded the standard term of study(excluding periods of leave of absence)
       (2) Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship students
       (3) Students who are exempted from paying tuition fees by inter-university agreements

2. Start of application period
 (1) Spring entrance and current students: Early May
 (2) Fall entrance students and students who took a leave of absence in the first semester: Middle of October

3. Application procedure
  Announcements regarding application requirements and results will be posted at OMU UNIPA.
     Please check the bulletin board regularly.
     *Please note that application information will not be sent via e-mail.

Tuition reduction / exemption

The Osaka Metropolitan University offers the following tuition reduction/exemption to privately funded international students who are known to be studious but have difficulty in paying their tuition due to financial constraints.

*The content of this support is for AY2024 and is subject to change.

  1. Eligibility (general; please see post-admission notice for details)
    ・Resident status is “Student”
    ・Has not exceeded the length of their study program
    ・Research students and non-degree students are excluded
  2. Tuition reduction / exemption amount
    ・Full, two-thirds, or one-third of tuition.
    ・The tuition reduction/exemption amount will be determined by reviewing the student’s socioeconomic status and grades.
    ・Upon review, tuition reduction/exemption may not be offered.
  3. Application procedure, etc.
    ・Information will be posted on the student portal site (OMU UNIPA) around April each year (or October for second-semester admittees). Please check after admission.


Please check below for more information on tuition reduction / exemption for privately funded international students.

Inquiries about scholarships for privately financed international students:
Student Affairs Division

Sugimoto Campus   
 Telephone: 06-6605-3608
Nakamozu Campus
 Telephone: 072-254-6243
 Common Email for both campuses:  gr-gks-intlstu[at] please replace [at] with @.