授業料減免 Tuition reduction / exemption

授業料減免 Tuition reduction / exemption


  1. 申請資格(主なもの。詳しくは入学後の通知を確認してください。)
  2. 減免額
  3. 申請方法等
    ・毎年4月頃(後期入学者は10月頃)に学生ポータルサイト(OMU UNIPA)で案内しますので、入学後に確認してください。


The Osaka Metropolitan University offers the following tuition reduction/exemption to privately funded international students who are known to be studious but have difficulty in paying their tuition due to financial constraints.

  1. Eligibility (general; please see post-admission notice for details)
    ・Resident status is “Student”
    ・Has not exceeded the length of their study program
    ・Research students and non-degree students are excluded
  2. Tuition reduction / exemption amount
    ・Full, two-thirds, or one-third of tuition.
    ・The tuition reduction/exemption amount will be determined by reviewing the student’s socioeconomic status and grades.
    ・Upon review, tuition reduction/exemption may not be offered.
  3. Application procedure, etc.
    ・Information will be posted on the student portal site (OMU UNIPA) around April each year (or October for second-semester admittees). Please check after admission.

2024年度 私費外国人留学生授業料減免申請について 
Year 2024
Application for Tuition Reduction / Exemption for
Privately Funded International Students


We will accept applications for AY2024 tuition reduction/exemption as follows. If you would like to apply, please complete the prescribed procedure by the deadline.

1. 申請資格



1. Application Eligibility

Application eligibility is granted to privately funded international students who are diligently pursuing their studies and satisfy all of the conditions below.(Note that eligibility is limited to only those whose status of residence is "Student". Those enrolled longer than standard course term, research students, and non-degree course students are not eligible to apply.) 

 ・Privately funded international students enrolled at Osaka Metropolitan University, or Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka City University, or privately funded international students enrolled at a graduate school of Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka City University; and 

Those who have difficulty paying their tuition due to financial reasons.

2. 申請期間/Application Period


   April 3(Wed.) - April 19(Fri.), 2024, 15:00(JST)

3. 申請方法 *Microsoft Forms の入力と紙での提出が必要です。




3. Application Documents *You need to both enter your information in the designated Microsoft Forms and submit the necessary physical documents.
     *For the application procedure and documents, check the application guidelines below. 

     *If you have any questions about your application, contact us via the following e-mail address.

      gr-gks-intlstu〔at〕omu.ac.jp(Please replace 〔at〕with@.)

1【日本語】2024年度私費外国人留学生授業料減免申… (343.6KB)
 2 AY2024 Application for Tuition Reduction and Exemption for Privately Funded International Students (274.6KB)

3様式2_提出書類確認票_Submission Document Checklist 【Form2】 (18.1KB)

4様式1_2024家庭状況調書_Household Situation Record【Form1】 (39.2KB)


★こちらから申請してください。/Please apply from here★

➡   https://forms.office.com/r/UYfJf9W4Et

お問い合わせ Inquiries

学生課 Student Affairs Division

 中百舌鳥キャンパス Nakamozu Campus
  TEL: 072-254-6243
 杉本キャンパス Sugimoto Campus   
  TEL: 06-6605-3608

  Email(共通): gr-gks-intlstu[at]omu.ac.jp [at]の部分を@に変更してください。
  Common Email for both campuses:  gr-gks-intlstu[at] omu.ac.jp please replace [at] with @.