OMU News
Oct 28, 2022
Swiss Consul in Osaka visits OMU
From left to right: Vice President Makoto Tsubota, Ms. Minami Kotani, Consul & Head of Post Felix Moesner, President Masahiro Tatsumisago, and Vice President Toshiyuki Matsui
On Monday, September 30, 2022, Dr. Felix Moesner, Consul and Head of Post of the Consulate of Switzerland in Osaka, and Ms. Minami Kotani, Academic Relations Coordinator, paid a courtesy visit to OMU, meeting with President Masahiro Tatsumisago, Vice President Makoto Tsubota, and Vice President Toshiyuki Matsui. After a discussion of possible future academic and research exchanges, and strengthening cooperation between Switzerland and OMU, the guests visited the Research Center for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), with Director Mitsunori Kirihata; the Research Institute for Drug Discovery Science , with Director Takashi Inui; and the R&D Center for the Plant Factory (PFC), with Director Yoshiaki Kitaya on the Nakamozu campus, receiving an explanation of each facility from its respective director.
Consul & Head of Post Felix Moesner and President Tatsumisago
Outside the entrance of the Research Center for BNCT with Director Kirihata (second from the right)
Director Inui explaining research equipment at the Research Institute for Drug Discovery Science
In front of the PFC with Director Kitaya
Related Links (in Japanese)
BNCT Research Center
Research Institute for Drug Discovery Science
R&D Center for the Plant Factory
International Relations Division
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