Research News

Jun 15, 2022

ReCAP research on electrocatalytic production of formaldehyde makes front cover of “New Journal of Chemistry”

369×523New-Journal-of-ChemistryThe research team led by Professor Yutaka Amao, Director of the OMU Research Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, published a paper entitled “Electrocatalytic production of formaldehyde with formaldehyde dehydrogenase using a viologen redox mediator.” The paper was featured on the front cover of “New Journal of Chemistry,” published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

E-fuels are carbon-neutral fuels in liquid or gas form that are produced from renewable sources. Professor Amao’s research team has been trying to establish a method for using enzymes to synthesize methanol, an e-fuel, from carbon dioxide. In this study, they successfully used electrical energy and enzymes to create formaldehyde from formic acid, which is a significant step towards methanol production. The front cover of “New Journal of Chemistry” features the image of a station supplying e-fuels produced from carbon dioxide.

Paper Information

Journal title: New Journal of Chemistry
Paper title: Electrocatalytic production of formaldehyde with formaldehyde dehydrogenase using a viologen redox mediator
DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ00692H


This study was conducted in cooperation with Honda R&D Co.,Ltd.

Related information

Research Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (in Japanese)

Contribution to SDGs


7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Media Contact

Research Center for Artificial Photosynthesis, Graduate School of Science
Professor Yutaka Amao
Tel: 06-6605-3726
E-mail: amao [at]
*Please change [at] to @.


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