論文掲載情報 2021年
- 津田昌宏の論文Dissociation of Glycated Albumin and HbA 1c Is Associated With a Decline of Glomerular Filtration Rate as Evaluated by Inulin ClearanceがDiabetes Careのletterに掲載されました
- 夏木裕香・森岡与明らの論文Role of adiponectin in the relationship between visceral adiposity and fibroblast growth factor 23 in non-diabetic men with normal kidney functionがEndocrine Journal誌に掲載されました
- 中舎璃乃・庄司哲雄らの論文Associations of serum insulin-like growth factor-1 with new cardiovascular events and subsequent death in hemodialysis patients: The DREAM cohortがJournal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosisに掲載されました
- 都井律和らの論文Bexarotene-induced central hypothyroidism assessed by TRH stimulation test in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma patientsがEndocr Jに掲載されました
- 庄司哲雄らの論文Associations of cardiovascular disease and blood pressure with cognition in hemodialysis patients: The Osaka Dialysis Complication StudyがNephrol Dial Transplantに掲載されました
- 仲谷慎也らの論文Association of Zinc Deficiency with Development of CVD Events in Patients with CKDがNutrientsに掲載されました
- 仲谷慎也・西出孝蔵・奥野仙二らの論文Cinacalcet may suppress kidney enlargement in hemodialysis patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.がSci Repに掲載されました
- 仲谷慎也らの論文Plasma Xanthine Oxidoreductase Activity Associated with Glycemic Control in Patients with Pre-Dialysis Chronic Kidney DiseaseがKidney Blood Pressに掲載されました
- 森克仁らの論文Maintenance of Skeletal Muscle to Counteract Sarcopenia in Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease and Especially Those Undergoing HemodialysisがNutrientsに掲載されました
- 上殿英記らの論文Effects of fetuin-A-containing calciprotein particles on posttranslational modifications of fetuin-A in HepG2 cells.がScientific Reportsに掲載されました
- 藏城雅文らの論文Uric acid shown to contribute to increased oxidative stress level independent of xanthine oxidoreductase activity in MedCity21 health examination registry.がScientific Reportsに掲載されました
- The VICTORY Investigators(PI:庄司哲雄)の論文「Comparative effects of etelcalcetide and maxacalcitol on serum calcification propensity in secondary hyperparathyroidism: A randomized clinical trial VICTORY」がCJASNに掲載されました。
- 山崎祐子、庄司哲雄らの論文「Low Free Triiodothyronine Level as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Events and All-Cause Mortality in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: The DREAM Cohort」がJournal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosisに掲載されました。