サポーター・チューター Supporters and Tutors
International Student Supporters and Tutors
International students may think: “I'm concerned about my college life” or “I need some help.”
OMU has in place a system whereby senior students can help such international students, including you.
If you are not familiar with the Supporter/Tutor System, please read this material and apply to use the system that is suitable for you.
外国人留学生サポーター International Student Supporters
制度の概要 summary
This system provides necessary support to newly arrived international students so that they can live in Japan with peace of mind as soon as possible.
1.対象 Eligibility
All newly enrolled international students are deemed eligible, excluding those who already have an assigned tutor.
2.支援を受けることができる期間 Duration of Support
Approximately 1 month after matriculating or entry into Japan.
3.支援の内容 Details of support
Examples of daily life support
・市役所での手続き(住所の届出、国民健康保険、 国民年金への加入免除手続きなど)
・Assisting you in implementing administrative procedures at the City Office
(for residence registration, national health insurance, the national pension program, etc.)
・Helping you open a bank account
・Assisting you in contracting for electricity, gas, water, cell phones, the internet, etc.
Examples of support at OMU
・Giving you advice on how to log in to and use the OMU UNIPA and Student Navi
・Helping you in bicycle Registration at the OMU
・Attending the orientation session together with you (if necessary)
4.申込方法・期限 Application method and Deadline
下記の Microsoft Formsのリンクからお申し込みください。
Please apply via the Microsoft Forms link below.
*Exchange students and MEXT students will be confirmed separately and do not need to respond.
●サポーター申込用Microsoft Forms / Supporter application
サポーター申込用フォーム/Application Form(外部サイト)
申込期限: 随時
Application deadline: At any time
外国人留学生チューター International Student Tutors
制度の概要 summary
Under the International Student Tutor System, senior students (tutors) can provide international students with individual support and advice on matters such as their studies, research, and daily life, including helping them to improve their Japanese language ability.
1.対象 Eligibility
※チューター制度、サポーター制度の両方を希望する場合は、それぞれの「申込方法・期限 Application method and Deadline」より申し込みください。
All international students other than credited auditors are eligible to receive individual support from a tutor.
For those who require assistance with the necessary procedures immediately after arriving in Japan and enrolling in the system, we can assign a support person until their tutor is assigned.
*If you wish to apply for both the Tutor System and the Supporter System, please apply from the respective “Application method and Deadline”.
If you are a currently enrolled student and wish to apply for the tutor system, please contact us at the e-mail address listed under Inquiries.
2.支援を受けることができる上限期間 Maximum support duration
- 学域・学部生、大学院生は、入学後修業年限以内の2半期(上限1年間)
- 研究生・交換留学生は、入学後最初の2半期(上限1年間)
- Undergraduate and graduate students may receive support for up to two semesters (maximum 1 year) during the prescribed period in which they must complete their studies after matriculating.
- Research students and exchange students may receive support for the first two semesters after matriculating (maximum 1 year).
3.支援の内容 Details of support
In addition to the support provided in the Supporter System, the following forms of support are available.
・Giving you advice on class content and other matters
・Correcting your papers in Japanese and giving you instruction on them
4.申込方法・期限 Application method and Deadline
下記の Microsoft Formsのリンクからお申し込みください。
Please apply via the Microsoft Forms link below.
*Exchange students and MEXT students will be confirmed separately and do not need to respond.
●チューター申込用Microsoft Forms / Tutor application
チューター申込用フォーム/Application Form(外部サイト)
申込期限: 2024年9月30日(月) 13:00
Application deadline: Monday, September 30, 2024, 13:00
お問い合わせ Inquiries
学生課 Student Affairs Division
杉本キャンパス Sugimoto Campus
TEL: 06-6605-3608
中百舌鳥キャンパス Nakamozu Campus
TEL: 072-254-6243
Email(共通): gr-gks-intlstu[at]omu.ac.jp [at]の部分を@に変更してください。
Common Email for both campuses: gr-gks-intlstu[at] omu.ac.jp please replace [at] with @