宿舎等 Dormitories
International Student Dormitories
Dormitories for international students are housing mostly managed by the Osaka Metropolitan University and other organizations like international student support foundations. If there are more applicants than rooms available, a screening procedure is conducted. Currently, international students are resident in these dormitories.
Applications are accepted approximately 2 months prior to the start of the first or second semester.
In principle, only international students (status of residence “student”) are eligible to live in these dormitories, and the residence period of stay is 1 year. If granted an extension, it is possible to extend the period of stay for 6 months only.
International student dormitories managed by Osaka Metropolitan University
<杉本キャンパス近く/Near Sugimoto Campus>
居室数 Rooms |
29室(単身者用)/29 rooms(For Single) 男子留学生用14室 女子留学生用15室 3室(世帯用) 14 rooms for men/15 rooms for women |
所在地 Location |
堺市北区東上野芝町2丁438 2-438 Higashi-Uenoshiba-cho, Kita-ku, Sakai City |
入居資格 Eligibility |
私費学生、正規学生、新入生を優先します。 Priority will be given to privately financed students, regular students, and newly enrolled students. |
入居期間 The period of occupancy |
4月~翌3月25日(入居から1年間) April to March 25 of the following year (1 year after moving in) |
貸付料(月額) Rent fee (monthly) |
単身用 Single |
15,000円 15,000 yen |
世帯用 Family |
32,400円 32,400 yen |
共益費(月額) Common service charge (monthly) |
単身用 Single |
貸付料に含む Included in rent fees |
世帯用 Family |
貸付料に含む Included in rent fees |
保証金 Deposit |
単身用 Single |
15,000円 15,000 yen |
世帯用 Family |
32,400円 32,400 yen |
備考 Note |
水道代及びWi-Fi使用料は貸付料に含む Water and Wi-Fi usage fees are included in the rent fee. |
<中百舌鳥キャンパス内/On Nakamozu Campus>
居室数 Rooms |
学生用個室80室 (男女別に4室で1ユニットとし、20ユニット) 80 private rooms for students (4 rooms for men and 4 rooms for women make 1 unit, 20 units) |
所在地 Location |
堺市中区学園町1番1号 1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai City |
入居資格 Eligibility |
外国人留学生(交換留学生優先) International students (priority is given to exchange students) |
入居期間 The period of occupancy |
前期:3月30日~翌3月25日(入居から1年間) 後期:9月20日~翌9月15日(入居から1年間) First semester: March 30 - March 25 of the following year (1 year after moving in) Second semester: September 20 - September 15 of the following year (1 year after moving in) |
貸付料(月額) Rent fee (monthly) |
29,000円 29,000 yen |
共益費(月額) Common service charge (monthly) |
8,800円 8,800 yen |
保証金 Deposit |
37,800円 37,800 yen |
備考 Note |
電気、水道代は共益費に含む Electricity and water are included in the common service charge. 申込時に胸部X線を含む健康診断書提出が必須です。 Applicants need to submit a medical certificate including a chest x-ray. |
<中百舌鳥キャンパス近く/Near Nakamozu Campus>
現在募集を停止しています/We are currently not accepting applications.
白鷺留学生宿舎 |
居室数 Rooms |
1室(世帯用) 1room(For family) |
所在地 Location |
堺市東区白鷺町1丁24番 1-24, Shirasagi-cho, Higashi-ku, Sakai City |
入居資格 Eligibility |
外国人留学生(正規学生、新入生優先) International students (priority for regular students and newly enrolled students) |
入居期間 The period of occupancy |
前期:3月30日~翌3月25日(入居から1年間)後期:9月20日~翌9月15日(入居から1年間) First semester: March 30 to March 25 of the following year (1 year after moving in) Second semester: September 20 to September 15 of the following year (1 year after moving in) |
貸付料(月額) Rent fee (monthly) |
39,000円 39,000 yen |
共益費(月額) Common service charge (monthly) |
9,000円 9,000yen |
保証金 Deposit |
48,000円 48,000 yen |
備考 Note |
- |
<獣医学生専用/For Veterinary Science Students Only>
りんくう留学生宿舎 |
居室数 Rooms |
5室(単身者用) 3室(世帯用) 5rooms(For single),3rooms (For family) |
所在地 Location |
泉佐野市(各所) Izumisano City (various locations) |
入居資格 Eligibility |
外国人留学生(正規学生、新入生優先) International students (priority for regular students and newly enrolled students) |
入居期間 The period of occupancy |
前期:3月30日~翌3月25日(入居から1年間) 後期:9月20日~翌9月15日(入居から1年間) First semester: March 30 to March 25 of the following year (1 year after moving in) Second semester: September 20 to September 15 of the following year (1 year after moving in) |
貸付料(月額) Rent fee (monthly) |
単身用 Single |
29,000円 29,000 yen |
世帯用 Family |
39,000円 39,000 yen |
共益費(月額) Common service charge (monthly) |
単身用 Single |
7,000円 7,000 yen |
世帯用 Family |
9,000円 9,000 yen |
保証金 Deposit |
単身用 Single |
36,000円 36,000 yen |
世帯用 Family |
48,000円 48,000 yen |
備考 Note |
- |
Please check here to see the location of OMU dormitories.
借家人賠償保険の加入について/Renters liability insurance
Since September 2023, all residents in the dormitories managed by Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU) have been required to have renters liability insurance.
OMU recommends that you purchase insurance offered by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES). After you are admitted to an OMU dormitory, the University will inform you of the procedure for paying the insurance.
International student dormitory managed by an external foundation
- 大阪府堺留学生会館オリオン寮 / 大阪府国際交流財団(OFIX)
・入居後最初に納付する居室使用料に、保証金として、さらに 1 か月分の居室使用料を加算して納付していただきます。
・居室使用料は、物価変動等に伴い改定されることがあります。 - 上野芝学生寮(女子寮)/ 公益財団法人小野奨学会
Osaka Metropolitan University international student dormitories and foundation dormitories recruitment
Applications for OMU-managed international student dormitories
問い合わせ先:学生課 外国人留学生支援担当
gr-gks-intlstu[at]omu.ac.jp ※[at]の部分を@に変更してください。
【Applications for OMU-managed international student dormitories for 2024】
There are a few vacancies in both International Residence(Uenoshiba) and I-wing Nakamozu. Please inquire if you wish to apply.
Inquiries: Student Affairs Division
gr-gks-intlstu[at]omu.ac.jp ※please replace [at] with @
*You can apply for a dormitory even before you officially gain admission to the University. Please be sure to contact
us to let us know your decision to be enrolled at the University or not after you receive an acceptance letter.
*Applications are approved not on a first-come first-served basis but with higher priority for selection given to new
Applications for dormitories managed by external foundations
This application form is for a dormitory managed by an external foundation only.
You cannot apply for both a foundation-managed dormitory and an OMU-managed dormitory.
If you apply for both at the same time, both applications may be invalid.
申込期間 2024年7月8日(月) ~ 満室になり次第終了
結果発表 随時
入居開始日 2024年9月24日(火)以降
Application period: From Monday, July 8,2024 until there is no vacancy
Time of the result announcement: When the relevant foundation completes the selection procedure
Start date of dormitory entry: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 or later
*Applications are basically approved on a first-come first-served basis (though with higher priority given to new
*After you submit your Microsoft Forms application form, the staff in charge will contact you at the email address you
enter in the form. Please be sure to check your in-box regularly.
Joint Guarantor System for Apartments
(現在は運用を停止しています。 The operation of this system is currently suspended.)
学生用 For Students
民間アパートの連帯保証制度の終了について (222.2KB)
Termination of the Joint Guarantor System for Apartments (149.1KB)
留学生アパート賃貸借契約における連帯保証制度の終了について(お知らせ) (183.3KB)
お問い合わせ Inquiries 学生課 Student Affairs Division
杉本キャンパス Sugimoto Campus
TEL: 06-6605-3608
中百舌鳥キャンパス Nakamozu Campus
TEL: 072-254-6243
Email(共通):gr-gks-intlstu[at]omu.ac.jp [at]の部分を@に変更してください。
Common Email for both campuses: gr-gks-intlstu[at] omu.ac.jp please replace [at] with @