住まい Housing
Dormitories for international students are mostly managed by Osaka Metropolitan University and other organizations, such as international student support foundations. If there are more applicants than rooms available, a screening procedure may be conducted. Currently, international students are resident in these dormitories.
【Note】In principle, only international students (status of residence “Student”) are eligible to live in these dormitories.
宿舎名 | 居室数 | 入居期間 | 賃料等(月額) | 所在地・最寄り駅 |
国際交流宿舎 | 単身用:29室 世帯用:3室 |
1年間 | 単身用:15,000円 世帯用:32,400円 (水道・Wi-Fi使用料込) |
堺市北区東上野芝町2丁438 JR線上野芝駅徒歩7分 |
国際交流会館 I-wingなかもず |
単身用:80室 | 1年間 | 37,800円 (電気・水道代込) |
堺市中区学園町1番1号(中百舌鳥キャンパス内) 南海高野線白鷺駅徒歩15分 大阪メトロなかもず駅・南海高野線中百舌鳥駅徒歩25分 |
白鷺留学生宿舎 | 世帯用:1室 | 1年間 | 48,000円 (光熱水費は含まない) |
堺市東区白鷺町1丁24番 南海線白鷺駅徒歩10分 |
りんくう留学生宿舎 | 単身用:5室 世帯用:3室 |
1年間 | 単身用:36,000円 世帯用:48,000円 (光熱水費は含まない) |
泉佐野市各所 |
宿舎名 | 入居資格 | 入居期間 | 賃料等(月額) | 所在地・最寄り駅 |
大阪府堺留学生会館 オリオン寮 (大阪府国際交流財団) |
単身の留学生 | 原則2年以内(最大6年まで延長可) | 36,000円 (水道・ガス・インターネット使用料込) |
堺市北区東上野芝2丁226 |
上野芝女子学生寮 (小野奨学会) |
単身の女子留学生 | 最短修業年限 | 5,500円 (光熱水費は含まない) |
堺市西区上野芝向ヶ丘町6丁2-3 |
International student dormitories managed by Osaka Metropolitan University
Dormitory name | Number of rooms |
Period of residence | Rent, etc.(monthly) | Location / Nearest station |
International Residence (Uenoshiba) |
For single Students:29 rooms For families:3 rooms |
1 year | Single: 15,000 yen Family: 32,400 yen (including water and wi-fi fees) |
2-438 Higashi Uenoshiba-cho, Kita-ku, Sakai City 7-min walk from Uenoshiba Station on the JR Hanwa Line |
International House I-wing Nakamozu |
For single:80 rooms | 1 year | 37,800 yen (including electricity and water fees) |
1-1 Gakuen-cho, Naka-ku, Sakai City (on the Nakamozu Campus) 25-min walk from Nakamozu Station on the Subway Midosuji Line and the Nankai Koya Line 15-min walk from Shirasagi Station on the Nankai Koya Line |
Shirasagi Dormitory | For families: 1 rooms | 1 year | 48,000 yen (Electricity, water and gas charges are not included.) |
1-24 Shirasagi-cho, Higashi-ku, Sakai City (Rented dormitory in the UR Shirasagi housing complex) 10-min walk from Shirasagi Station on the Nankai Koya Line |
Rinku International Student Dormitory | For single students:5 rooms For families:3 rooms |
1 year | Single: 36,000 yen Family: 48,000 yen (Electricity, water and gas charges are not included.) |
Various locations in Izumisano City |
*The above content is for AY2024 and is subject to change.
International student dormitories managed by an external foundation
Dormitory name | Eligibility for residence | Period of residence | Rent, etc.(monthly) | Location / Nearest station |
Orion International House (Osaka Foundation of International Exchange) |
Single international Students |
Up to two years (Maximum six years upon consultation) | 36,000 yen (including water, gas and Internet usage fees) |
2-226 Higashi Uenoshiba-cho, Kita-ku, Sakai City |
Uenoshiba Student Dormitory for Women (Ono Shogakukai) |
Single female international students | Minimum years of study | 5,500 yen (Electricity, water and gas charges are not included.) |
6-2-3 Uenoshibamukogaoka-cho, Nishi-ku, Sakai City |
See below for details and the application procedure for each dormitory.
Applications are accepted approximately 2 months prior to the start of the first or second semester.
Application for 2025 Spring is now open !
Dormitory MAP
Check here to find the location of OMU or external foundation dormitories.
お問い合わせ Inquiries 学生課 Student Affairs Division
杉本キャンパス Sugimoto Campus
TEL: 06-6605-3608
中百舌鳥キャンパス Nakamozu Campus
TEL: 072-254-6243
Email(共通):gr-gks-intlstu[at]omu.ac.jp [at]の部分を@に変更してください。
Common Email for both campuses: gr-gks-intlstu[at] omu.ac.jp please replace [at] with @